you are the love of my life

Chapter 276 Got Fucked Again

Chapter 276 Got Fucked Again

Besides, he forced her to sign that unreasonable agreement.

If her father owed 70 billion, she didn't want to admit it, but this time, he saved herself and helped Qin's siege, so it would be unreasonable to deny it.

The irritability in Rong Jinbei's chest became even more angry because of what Qin Yise said just now, "Stupid woman, do you really understand, or are you just pretending to be stupid!"

"I'm not the roundworm in your stomach, how could I know what you're thinking." Qin Yise raised her head and retorted.

The man in front of him was so angry that his face was ashen, and his chest seemed to be blocked by a stone. He pushed her into the co-pilot with a sullen face.

Before Qin Yise could sit still, Rong Jinbei had already circled the front of the car, opened the door, got into the driver's seat, and the car rushed out like an arrow off the string.

"Hey, drive slowly, I'm motion sick and want to vomit."


He still wanted to kill someone, so he wished he could slap her to death!
"Rong Jinbei, are you dying? Driving so fast!"

Qin Yise yelled loudly, but his rationality was overwhelmed, and he couldn't hear any sound at all.

"Ah! Be careful!"

There was a road construction sign ahead, and she was about to hit it, so Qin Yise closed her eyes tightly, and firmly grasped the handrail, the car turned sharply, as if drifting, avoiding the wow pond without any risk.

She glanced at the man beside her in shock, did he want to drag her to seek death together?
Rong Jinbei's thin lips were tightly pursed, and he gripped the steering wheel with both hands, as if he took it to be Qin Yise's face and squeezed it hard.

His words are so clear, this stupid woman still doesn't understand!
He asked her to mortgage herself, of course, to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to obtain a certificate, and bet on the marriage.

But this idiot can't think of such an important point!
He is not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs. He is really mad at him.

If he was asked to kneel down and propose, Rong Jinbei couldn't do it.

Such a hint is already the limit.

The car drove quietly, and the two of them were relatively silent along the way.

Back at the apartment in Xinhai City, Rong Jinbei didn't say a word, with a stinking handsome face, he stared straight ahead, completely treating her as air.

Qin Yise was so happy that he ignored her, and it happened that her ears were quite clean.

She doesn't have to be nervous, worrying about facing his volatile temper!

As soon as the car stopped, she couldn't wait to open the door and get out, but the man picked up her collar like a chicken.

He opened the trunk, picked up the shopping bag, and strode directly to the door of the apartment.

As soon as she entered the door, Qin Yise was thrown heavily to the ground. Fortunately, there was a thick woolen blanket covering her, otherwise her hands and feet would definitely be bruised.

He was throwing garbage, and his hands were so heavy, Qin Yise wanted to get angry, grabbed a pillow on the sofa behind him, and threw it at him, "Rong Jinbei, treat me like you A pet that comes and goes? I've had enough of you!"

The man tilted his head to avoid the plot, and the pillow hit the vase on the cabinet.

The expensive antique porcelain bottle fell to the ground, the delicate roses fell to the ground in embarrassment, and the water in the bottle was spilled everywhere...

Hearing the sound, the servant hurried up to clean up the mess, silently picking up the broken porcelain all over the floor.

"Qin Yise, do you want to rebel?"

Rong Jinbei roared with a sullen face, and kicked the chair in front of him away with one kick.

(End of this chapter)

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