you are the love of my life

Chapter 279: Sprinkling Salt in the Wound

Chapter 279: Sprinkling Salt in the Wound
There was another knock on the door, but Rong Jin Bei didn't lift his head, and shouted impatiently, "Get out, didn't you tell you not to bother me?"

"Master, it's me!"

Ling Tuo looked at him in surprise, this Miss Qiao is really capable, she can make the young master lose his temper every time.

What if she becomes the young wife of the Rong family in the future.

"What's the matter with you?" Rong Jinbei had a cold face, without any emotional ups and downs.

"This is Qin's purchase contract, and the formalities for the change of legal person have been completed. Do you want to tell Miss Qin the good news?" Ling Tuo asked respectfully.

Rong Jinbei waved his hands distractedly: "No, the documents are here, you can go out first."

His mind was buzzing at the moment, as soon as Ling Tuo left, he dropped his pen, and immediately opened the medical examination report to read.

The results of the blood sample test are not optimistic, but they are not deteriorating. Just like ten years ago, the condition is still not progressing.

Back then, Rong's mother was suffering from cancer and couldn't bear the pain of chemotherapy. She chose to give up the treatment and donated all the organs that could be donated.

She also happened to have a panda blood type, and Qin Yise had the disease at a young age, and her mother's blood saved her life in time.

After Mrs. Rong died, she was the first patient to be rescued, so Rong Jinbei knew her as early as that year.

It's just that Qin Yise didn't know about all of this.

Rong Jinbei put the results of the physical examination in the bottom of the drawer. This disease was buried in his heart like a time bomb, and he didn't know when it would explode.
Qin Yise was about to go out, and when she went back to Qin's house to have a look, Qiao Man just stopped in her car.

What a coincidence!

With the car window rolled down, Qiao Man was wearing black super sunglasses, covering her delicate facial features.

Seeing her, Qin Yise frowned, her face darkened, "What are you doing here?"

Qiao Man snorted, tapped the steering wheel with her fingers, looked at her behind the sunglasses, and said with red lips, "This is not your place, you'd better figure out who you are, don't act like a hostess." Talk to me in a tone, you are not worthy!"

Qin Yise smiled coldly: "What trick is Miss Qiao trying to play?"

"Hmph, there's no need to waste my energy on you, a dying person. I said that I can crush you to death with one finger, but I don't bother to do so, because it will destroy my relationship with Brother Jin Bei. Get in the car, let's find a place to sit and talk."

Qiao Man said lazily, and pressed the unlock button, and the door of the sports car opened automatically.

Qin Yise stood still, "There seems to be nothing to talk about between us!"

Qiao Man sneered and looked at her with a bright smile: "Really? Then why did you agree to leave before, but suddenly backtracked? Are you reluctant to part with Brother Jin Bei, a big tree, and want to fly up the branch and become a phoenix?"

Qin Yise didn't bother to argue with her, she just wanted to see what kind of medicine she was selling in her gourd.

She got into the co-pilot angrily, and explained solemnly: "I promised you to leave, but I didn't leave. I can apologize to you..."

She really wanted to leave, and dreamed of running away, but every time she was caught by Rong Jinbei.

Who can blame this?

"You should really apologize to me." Qiao Man held the steering wheel and snorted coldly.

They went to a nearby coffee shop. Qiao Man sat by the window, took off her sunglasses, and gently stirred the coffee in the cup with a relaxed posture.

(End of this chapter)

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