you are the love of my life

Chapter 280 Leave him early

Chapter 280 Leave him early
Qin Yise waited patiently for her to speak.

Qiao Man seemed to tease her on purpose, she pricked her cup ear, and didn't get to the point for a long time.

"If Miss Qiao has nothing important, I'll go back to Qin's house first!" Qin Yise didn't want to waste any more time, stood up and prepared to leave.

Qiao Man stretched out her hand to stop her, "It's okay, I'll come here specially to invite you for coffee? Do you think I'm in a hurry, Qin Yise, brother Jin Bei secretly took a blood test for you, and the report is in his office. Don't you want to know the result?"

Qin Yise's pupils shrank, blood test report?

Did he really ask a doctor to check her body?

Thinking that Rong Jinbei already knew all the results, Qin Yise couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in her heart.

Qiao Man looked at her flustered expression proudly, and said sharply, "With you, what qualifications do you have to stay with Brother Jin Bei? If you are pregnant with his child, you want to harm the next generation of the Rong family." ?"

"So you came here today just to tell me about this?" Qin Yise looked at her indifferently, and said in a cold tone, "Qiao Man, not everyone is as nasty as you think!"

Qiao Man snorted disdainfully, raised her chin, and looked provocative, "I'm not interested in your character, I'm just advising you, stay away if you want to die, don't let Brother Jin Bei get involved with you unlucky!"

Qin Yise Qiushui Jiantong narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked directly at her angrily, "You should tell Rong Jinbei this! He doesn't dislike him, so why should I reject people thousands of miles away."

Qiao Man raised her eyebrows, widened her eyes, and roared fiercely: "Qin Yise, there is no cure for your disease, except for regular blood transfusions, or thinking about getting pregnant as soon as possible, using stem cells from umbilical cord blood to barely live longer. Years, but... Do you think Uncle Rong will allow someone like you to conceive his grandson? "


Qin Yise clenched her fists with both hands, her dark eyes swept the storm, and looked down at her, "Miss Qiao, you don't understand, so stop talking nonsense here. I have been safe and sound for more than ten years. My own body, Don't you know better than you?"

"No matter how clear you are, it can't compare to the doctor's authoritative test report! Qin Yise, even though you look healthy now, you can't give birth to a normal child. Brother Jin Bei is very new to you now, wait When it's time for him to get married, you're just an abandoned rag, worn out, worn out, and worthless!"

Qin Yise's nails were deeply embedded in her flesh, her face was blue, her lips were pale, she stood there trembling all over, but she didn't dare to make a sound.

Seeing her like this, Qiao Man became even more arrogant: "Hehe, God is fair. No matter how good a man is, you are not blessed to enjoy it. If I were you, I would have been killed by a headshot if I had this incurable disease. Forget it, why linger on and suffer..."

When the words fell to the ground, Qin Yise suddenly raised her hand and poured the coffee in front of her fiercely on her arrogant face.

The coffee was still warm, and the sudden accident made Qiao Man scream in fright. She quickly wiped her face with a handkerchief, and scolded angrily, "Qin Yise, you're tired of working, don't you dare to splash me?"

Qin Yise smiled coldly, "It's not easy to splash you. I'm already very polite when I didn't hit you. Next time, Miss Qiao, please be more polite. Whether I live or die has nothing to do with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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