you are the love of my life

Chapter 282 Touching His Bottom Line

Chapter 282 Touching His Bottom Line
"Bastard, you can threaten people, what else can you do besides this!" Qin Yise stared at him angrily, her lips trembling, but there was nothing she could do.

She was full of grievances finally bursting, she rushed up to beat him like crazy, her fingers scratched at him, "I told you to stop! You bandit, did you hear, stop—"

"Qin Yise, are you crazy?" Rong Jinbei firmly clamped her flailing hands.

But the woman in his arms struggled too hard, so he had no choice but to order the driver to pull over, and Qin Yise couldn't wait to break free from him to get off.

Rong Jinbei's temples twitched, and he raised his hand to signal the driver to unlock the door.

Qin Yise jumped down without looking back, crossed the sidewalk, and ran straight across the road.

The ear-piercing sound of the horn made people's hearts tremble. Rong Jinbei looked over from the window, frowning, and realized that this damned woman was tired of living and ran the traffic lights.

He pushed open the car door, opened his long legs, and chased her angrily: "Stupid woman, stop for me, take another step, believe it or not, I will break your leg!"

Qin Yise's mind was chaotic, her heart was chaotic, and when she heard his voice, her rationality became even more chaotic. Without the slightest composure, she darted through the traffic, causing many drivers to slam on the brakes, drop the windows and curse at others.

"Looking for death!"

"TMD, if you don't want to get lost, stay away, don't come out and blackmail people!"

Qin Yise didn't seem to hear any sound, running around like a headless fly.

A big truck was coming at a gallop, and she stood on the zebra crossing in a daze, forgetting to dodge.

The death-like sound of the horn made Qin Yise's eardrums tingle. She wanted to move her steps to avoid it, but the soles of her feet seemed to be nailed to death. She didn't listen to the command of her brain at all.

Rong Jinbei was terrified, and hurried forward, racing against the god of death. At the very moment, he grabbed her shoulders, pulled her to a safe place, and held her tightly in his arms, "Are you crazy! Do you know that you are on the road?" Running around like this is dangerous!"

A strong gust of wind passed by, with an unpleasant tail odor, Qin Yise's legs were limp and weak, and she collapsed directly into the arms of the man.

Rong Jinbei held her tightly with both hands, as if he wanted to melt her into his flesh and blood.

"You can't do such a dangerous thing again in the future, do you hear me?" He warned in a low voice in her ear.

Qin Yise didn't nod or shake her head, she was like a puppet doll, her eyes were red, and she felt more and more that she was a pet in his captivity, who didn't listen to the master's words, and was scolded all over her head and face.

What qualifications does she have to expect to have equal love with him?
The small flame that had finally ignited in my heart was suddenly extinguished by a basin of cold water.

She met his four eyes, her eyes were very red, but no tears fell.

Qin Yise pursed her lips tightly, neither defending nor refuting, and letting him scold her severely.

Seeing her like this, Rong Jinbei's chest seemed to be blocked by something, and he felt a throbbing pain.

He lowered his head and stared at her angrily: "Did someone tell you something? Your ears are so soft, you just believe what others say?"

If she put half of her desperate spirit towards the Qin family on him, she wouldn't make him so angry!

Qin Yise didn't feel well in her heart, but just now she came out of a desperate situation, she was out of danger, and after being yelled at by him like this, she felt even more aggrieved.

(End of this chapter)

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