you are the love of my life

Chapter 283 Abusive Man

Chapter 283 Abusive Man

She pushed him away forcefully: "It's none of your business, let me go! Who told you to save me, a person like me will die early and be reborn early!"

"Can you say that again!"

Rong Jinbei pinched her chin angrily, and his tone was fierce and cruel, with a lingering sarcasm: "Qin Yise, are you out of your mind? How can anyone curse themselves so badly?" Yes, listen to me, you must live well, you are not allowed to die without my permission, do you hear?"

"Is this something I can decide?" Qin Yise bit her lower lip tightly, looked at him, and said tremblingly: "My illness is very serious, there is no cure, and I have to change blood when I have an attack! It's not worth your energy."

Rong Jinbei put one hand around her waist, and pinched her chin with the other, with more and more force, his eyes were gloomy as if he wanted to wake her up: "I don't need you to teach me what I do! I am willing to do good things. , Bodhisattva heart, doing charity and doing addiction, can you control it?"

Qin Yise forcefully opened his hand, her chin was red a lot.

Kindness, generosity, bodhisattva heart, these two words are not suitable for a man like him at all.

Qin Yise laughed at herself, "Apart from being my creditor and my boss, you have nothing to do with you at all! Why do you dictate my life?"

"Why? This body of yours is mine, and I will take care of everything I touch!" Rong Jinbei roared domineeringly.

In addition to anger, there was lingering distress in his eyes.

After speaking, he let go of her with his big hands, with a gloomy face, unable to distinguish between emotions and anger.

Qin Yise didn't want to argue with him, so she turned around and was about to leave, but the man behind her grabbed her anxiously: "Stop! Where do you want to go?"

Qin Yise hadn't come back to her senses when she was held tightly in his arms by his arms like iron pincers.

She frowned and pushed his chest hard. This man wanted to strangle her to death!
Although she said frustrating words, she didn't really want to commit suicide, but just let him quit.

"Rong Jinbei, you are annoying sometimes, but I have to deny that you are a good person, but I don't deserve your favor, otherwise God wouldn't punish me and make me so unlucky."

"Enough! Shut up!" As soon as she spoke, he tightened his arms and hugged her with all his strength, as if she would disappear in the next second: "You are mine, only mine, No one can take you from me!"

His deep voice made Qin Yise unable to tell what it was like, it hurt a little.

Her expression revealed her true inner thoughts, the corner of the man's mouth curled into a very shallow arc, and the cold expression on his face finally turned from cloudy to sunny.

He knew how she was, and when he forced and lured her, she would only fight back with the thorns all over her body.

But you are kind to her, once you break through the line of defense in her heart, she will be defeated.

Qin Yise is a person who attaches great importance to feelings, and is the last thing she wants to owe others.

She began to feel that Rong Jinbei was using unscrupulous means to frame the Qin family, so she was full of rejection for his various methods!

But now.
It seems that something has quietly changed.

The false alarm just now, the two were not injured.

But Rong Jin Bei was worried, so he insisted on taking her to the hospital for a full-body examination.

"I'm fine, I don't need to come to the hospital." When getting out of the car, Qin Yise struggled a little, a little disgusted by the smell of disinfectant here.

"Then you don't care if I'm hurt or not?" The man asked back with a natural look.

(End of this chapter)

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