you are the love of my life

Chapter 293 Look carefully

Chapter 293 Look carefully
"You liar, you said you were willing to gamble and lose!" Qin Yise blushed with anger, and beat and yelled at him desperately.

Rong Jinbei grabbed her hands, smiled roguely, and denied it flatly: "Did I lose just now? I don't remember anything!"

With a cynical look on his face, his eyes swept around the faces of the people around him, and his thin lips curled up in a triumphant arc.

Qin Yise's hands were fixed by him, unable to move, she could only dodge by twisting her neck from side to side.

Anxious and annoyed, she glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw the ashtray that Rong Jinbei had just used on the bedside table, and immediately struggled desperately, trying to reach the ashtray with her fingers...

If this man dares not to keep his integrity, she promises to smash his head without hesitation!
It's a pity that the other hand moves faster than her.

Rong Jinbei raised his eyebrows, snatched the ashtray that her finger just touched, threw it casually, and fell heavily on the cashmere carpet without breaking it.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he looked at Qin Yise, his thin lips parted slightly: "Why, you want to learn to smoke?"

"of course not!"

Qin Yise puffed her cheeks, pressed her lips tightly together, unable to complain.

"Then you want to take this murder weapon and smash my head?" He explained her motive in one sentence.

Qin Yise was caught, and if she had the slightest trouble, she would be strangled in the cradle by Rong Jinbei.

It is impossible for him to let her have any impure thoughts to take root.

Even now, with her by his side, she is no match for him at all.

Rong Jinbei was still clasping Qin Yise's chin with one hand, the rough touch made her goose bumps, but she still couldn't help but meet his gaze, "Sly and treacherous fox!"

Qin Yise silently greeted him in her heart.

On the surface, he still pretended to be a little white rabbit, innocent and dazed.

How dare she provoke a beast at such a time!

Otherwise, you have to wait and be stripped alive.

"Have you ever smoked before?"

Rong Jinbei stared at her little lamb waiting to be slaughtered, completely disbelieving that she would be so well-behaved in her heart, and leaned down with a light smile: "Bad girl, a famous lady who wanders around nightclubs, I don't know how much you have." bad habits?"

"Hehe, I have a lot of flaws in my body. Is Mr. Rong going to find fault with me now? Or do you think that the goods you bought back were not worth the price?" Qin Yise asked sarcastically.

"Yes, I didn't take it seriously when I inspected the goods, so I have to inspect the goods carefully now! See how much you are worth."

The man breathed hot air in her ear and murmured in a low voice.

His slender fingers brushed her hair behind her ears, and the strands of black silk, like silk, wrapped around his fingers, extremely soft.

Rong Jinbei's gentle movements are like those of a close lover. Anyone who sees that appearance and expression will be misunderstood.

But Qin Yise knew that this was all an illusion created by him. A man like him is used to doting on women, but how could he dedicate his heart to only one woman?

She raised her lips and smiled the best thing possible, "Then you have to keep your eyes open, because I will definitely let you down!"

She will do everything she can to satisfy her appetite!

Rong Jinbei looked at her with deep eyes, "I've never seen anyone who has stayed in a nightclub before, who would be as stupid as you, so stupid that he can't even show his charm!"

(End of this chapter)

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