you are the love of my life

Chapter 294 Stop Gambling, I Regret It

Chapter 294 Stop Gambling, I Regret It

"Rong Jinbei, your thoughts are really dirty. Who said that in that kind of place, there must be a deal, drinking and chatting, and gaining knowledge? I'm just practicing my communication skills." Qin Yise said confidently retorted.

The man snorted lightly, covered the corner of her clothes with his palms, and moved his thin lips close to her ear, "Drinking and chatting? Exercise your communication skills? Are those people chatting with you like me?"

Thinking of her being a simple little white rabbit being raped by others eating tofu, his chest was like a ball of cotton stuffed, and he was about to go crazy with jealousy!
In fact, at the dinner party, Qin Yise was only drunk and touched, and did not suffer any disadvantages!

No matter how bad my little mother was to her, she didn't lose her conscience to the point of selling her.

Qin Yise didn't have the heart to explain so much to Rong Jinbei, this person can think whatever he likes!

But damn it, his hand actually covered the corner of her clothes, her face immediately turned blue, and she roared angrily: "Mr. Rong, can you stop playing tricks and let go!"

"It's just good intentions, why such a big reaction?" Rong Jinbei chuckled in her ear: "You are really getting more and more sensitive now, even a light touch can turn into water."

Qin Yise gritted her teeth, took a deep breath, clenched her fists, desperately holding back her anger, and asked in a good-tempered manner, "Women are made of water, isn't it normal that they can't stand being teased?"

Bah, no, what the hell is she talking about!

It's all his fault, for leading her into a trap, making her speak without words, treacherous fox.

The curvature of the corner of Rong Jinbei's mouth became more and more fierce, and he smiled happily, "You said something wrong, women are made of water, men are made of mud, mud cannot be separated from water, and of course I can't do without you."

Qin Yise could always hear the indecent taste of words that seemed tender and sweet when they came out of his mouth.

She stammered, "That... the bet just now doesn't count, I won't play, is that okay?"

"Of course not, there is no such word as giving up halfway in my dictionary!"

Rong Jinbei spoke domineeringly and refused directly.

Qin Yise was stunned for a moment, and when she realized his next move, she struggled even harder, and patted the back of his hand angrily: "Liar, I won't bet with you, you rotten person with no integrity!"

"Do you dare to curse again? I don't think you really want to leave me." Rong Jinbei's voice became cold, and he tightly suppressed her hands and feet.

Now that it has been spotted, Qin Yise doesn't bother to pretend to be with him anymore.

She began to show her true colors and resisted fiercely, "I'll just scold you, how about it? I said that the bet was just a cover to deceive you. Who knew that you bastard, the way you torture people is so despicable and shameless! I I don't want to have anything to do with you, why do you just pester me?"

"Because we are on the same boat now, you want to kick it away after you use it, how can it be so cheap?" Rong Jinbei replied coldly.

His eyes full of tenderness gradually returned to their previous indifference, and his thin lips were only a few centimeters away from her skin: "Qin Yise, I warn you, since I have already recognized you, don't squeeze out the remaining value, you Don't even think about running away, otherwise, wouldn't I have suffered heavy losses?"

"Master Rong, I won't bet with you anymore!" Qin Yise felt that the dangerous aura in him was getting stronger, and immediately became vigilant.

(End of this chapter)

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