you are the love of my life

Chapter 295 Can't Forgive Anymore

Chapter 295 Can't Forgive Anymore

"It's not up to you anymore, the arrow is on the string, and I have to do it. It's too late to regret it now!" Rong Jinbei said, and dropped a heavy iron fist.

She didn't know what kind of poison it was, but it could easily make him lose control and become possessed.

This has never happened before!

It was as if there was a beast living in Rong Jinbei's body, and he was constantly hungry, so he tried every means to throw her down.

The wanton looting became more and more ferocious.

She guarded the city gate firmly, not letting him succeed.

Rong Jinbei gradually lost his patience, pinched her chin suddenly, and the expression on his face was no longer gentle.

Qin Yise snorted in pain, his hands were like iron tongs, she frowned, and subconsciously opened her mouth.

In the next second, I regretted it.

Qin Yise wanted to avoid it, but no matter how desperately she struggled, her body was tightly suppressed, and she couldn't use any strength at all.

"Rong Jinbei, stop playing, can't I admit defeat?"


She was really afraid of him. Although she compromised with her mouth, she did not give up her physical struggle, and instead struggled harder each time.

Is she so resistant to having sex with him?

He looked down at her struggling like a trapped animal from a high position, thinking that she was so repulsive, his disgust towards him must have been even stronger in his heart.

His face was dark, and his whole body even exuded a domineering pressure!

Qin Yise screamed, her whole body completely collapsed, and her brain appeared in a messy state.

She was disorganized, and she slapped him directly with her fist. Although the strength was not strong, this conditioned reflex was completely out of the instinct of the body in crisis.

She hurried to find something and wrapped herself up.

But her hands and feet were pressed, the more she twisted, the more awkward her posture became
"Why, you don't admit it after losing, and now you want to play hard to get?"

Rong Jinbei snorted and squeezed her wrist hard. He only needs a little force, and her hand will be broken.

"It's really not your style to surrender so quickly!" He lost his interest and continued to sarcastically sarcastically.

Qin Yise was dripping with cold sweat from the pain, her face gradually turned pale, and her lips trembled, "I didn't agree to your ridiculous decision, it's because you didn't abide by the rules of the game first, and you have no right to accuse me of not admitting it."

She yelled at him angrily, her eyes almost burst into flames, wishing she could poke a few holes in the man's body.

Rong Jinbei licked his dry lips, looked at Qin Yise from top to bottom, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a half-smile, "There has never been a woman in this world who dared to talk to me like this!"

He snorted coldly, and the strength in his hands became stronger and stronger.

"Do you know where the two closest places in the world are? Male!" He said, and immediately put into action without leaving any gaps.

Qin Yise gasped, her scalp was numb, she was too stiff to move.

She was afraid of angering him by talking nonsense, and the consequences would be even more unimaginable...

"Rong Jinbei, calm down, we can talk about the bet again, and I accidentally slapped you just now, I apologize to you, you don't remember villains, please forgive me this time? I really know I'm wrong, really, it's more real than pearls..."

"If you make me happy, I will forgive you."

Ah bah, a big man wants a woman to coax him, he's not ashamed.

Qin Yise complained in her heart, but of course she didn't dare to say it directly, otherwise wouldn't she die faster?

(End of this chapter)

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