you are the love of my life

Chapter 296 Women Are Really Contradictory

Chapter 296 Women Are Really Contradictory

Qin Yise's face turned pale.

She just wanted to curse!

Greetings to the eighteen generations of his ancestors...

"What is the ghost called?"

The man's displeased growl sounded domineeringly in her ears.

After being yelled at by him, Qin Yise's head was dizzy and she didn't know what to say.

The mouth has also become uneasy, and the tongue is also trembling...

She stammered: "Go away, I don't want to see you!"

"Do you really don't want to see me, or pretend you don't want to see me?!"

"Rong Jinbei, if you do this again, I—"

"How are you?" He asked harshly, frowning slightly.

Knowing that she had nothing to do with him, she deliberately provoked him.

Qin Yise was speechless with anger, her face flushed red, she coldly glanced at the man in front of her, her thin lips were pursed into a straight line, "Shameless!"

"Well, you still have the strength to speak hard, yes, it seems that you should be taught a serious lesson, and you will be able to shut up completely peacefully!"

"..." Qin Yise gritted her teeth and stared at him weakly.


"Don't look at me with such eyes, or people will easily misunderstand!" President Rong Da said meaningfully.

"~~~" Qin Yise suddenly choked up a few times, and stared at him tearfully.

With that aggrieved look, Rong Jinbei's heart felt a little itchy as if a feather had been brushed over him.

His face suddenly darkened, and his eyes became complicated, "It's fine, why are you crying? It's like someone wronged you, cry again, believe it or not, I will break your legs, so you can't go anywhere."

Because of his words, Qin Yise immediately calmed down, her nerves were tense, she was both afraid and nervous, and her body couldn't help shaking.

Seeing her unwillingness, Rong Jinbei frowned and let her go mercifully.

Qin Yise rolled up the quilt and wrapped herself tightly, feeling an indescribable contradiction in her heart.

The man's arm wrapped her whole body, including the quilt, into her chest from behind, with her face slightly sideways, hot breath spraying from her cheeks.

His voice was extremely hoarse: "Shouldn't you love me? Why do you look like you are dying? Did I wrong you?"

The little woman in her arms shook her head with a sullen head.

"Look, it's here again, can't you talk to me properly?"

If it were those employees under him, they would have been fired long ago if they dared to have such an attitude!

Qin Yise still shook her head, didn't say anything, and didn't look up at him.

Anyway, whatever he said, she was NO!

This childish move was intended to be against him, but this kind of trick made President Rongda gnash his teeth, and there was nothing he could do.

"Qin Yise, look at me, look at me seriously!"


She buried her head tighter and shook harder.

"Okay, you forced me! Don't regret it..." A certain man gritted his teeth.

Hmph, you know how to threaten people, what kind of man is he!

Qin Yise closed her eyes and didn't speak. The more she thought about it, the more wronged she became, and she choked up a few times, her small face tightly wrinkled into a ball with a complicated expression.

"Okay, don't cry."

Rong Jinbei's face immediately turned pale, and he coaxed her in a low-tempered way, and gently wiped away the tears on her face with his fingertips.

Like a frightened bird, Qin Yise stiffened her body and allowed him to help wipe her tears, not daring to move.

He propped up half of his body, and could only see her side face.

Qin Yise pointed the back of her head at him, shrunk her shoulders, and tried to hide aside: "Can you stay away from me..."


(End of this chapter)

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