you are the love of my life

Chapter 307 The Evil Man

Chapter 307 The Evil Man

Rarely, he didn't bring a driver, but drove the car himself, obviously because he attached great importance to the person he was going to meet this time.

Rong Jinbei held the steering wheel and silently looked at the road ahead.

A few minutes later, he turned his head abruptly, looked at the woman beside him, and suddenly smiled sinisterly, "I've given you three days to think about it, have you figured out how to explain it to me?"

"Uh, what's the explanation? Do I have to report to Mr. Rong after I drink a few sips of water a day and go to the toilet several times?" Qin Yise replied with a bad attitude.

The two of them were like eating explosives, and they couldn't get along with each other calmly.

The man frowned slightly, turned his eyes back, and continued to stare at the road outside, but his teeth were gritted, and a cold killing intent shrouded his body.

The sunlight outside the window was mottled, shining on his face, making his profile flickering, with an extraordinary temperament.

Passing by a red light, he didn't intend to stop, and broke through openly.

Qin Yise was speechless for a moment: "..."

There was a loud horn sounding from outside, she clutched her seat belt nervously, and glared at the man's indifferent facial features in the rearview mirror, "Mr. Rong, if you want to vent your anger, you won't be so risky, right?"

"What, are you scared? I'll give you 1 minute to apologize obediently and calm down my anger these days, otherwise I will punish you tenfold!"

Rong Jinbei interrupted her indifferently, and said directly.

Qin Yise gritted her teeth, and immediately smiled like a dog: "I apologize, I admit my mistake, my loyalty to Young Master Rong, the sun and the moon can learn from each other, if I do it again in the future, I will be struck by lightning, how about this? You have made a poisonous oath, you can raise your hand high, and the adults will not remember the villains!"

"The sun and the moon can learn from each other?"

President Rongda snorted coldly, "Remove the last three words, and see your performance in a day, you can still consider it!"

"... Nima's!"

Qin Yise greeted his whole family in her heart.

The road was smooth, and he rushed to the intersection of traffic lights again, but he still had no intention of stopping.

Seeing the car accident passing by, Qin Yise broke into a cold sweat: "You are crazy, you have run through two red lights in a row, if this continues, the traffic police should round you up."

She was not in the mood to pay attention to his dirty jokes, and reminded nervously.

"If you are more sensible and don't affect my driving mood, then naturally you won't run a red light again!" The man replied with a vow.

"What nonsense, no matter how willful you are, you can't make fun of your wealth and life?" Qin Yise gritted her teeth and stomped her feet angrily, but she didn't dare to attack him.

Did he intentionally let her try it too, to feel uncomfortable being blocked, to feel aggrieved with nowhere to vent her anger?

So childish!
"Next time I'll put a monitor on my phone, copy and record all the calls, and hand them over to Mr. Rong for review! Is that OK?"

She was almost out of control, whatever idea came to her mind, she just said it without thinking about it.

The man still held the steering wheel silently, did not speak, but slowed down calmly.

He glanced at the rearview mirror, and the woman next to him was so out of breath that his chest heaved up and down greatly.

She looked angry, like a little hamster, with puffed cheeks on both sides, which was really cute.

"There is no sincerity at all, and you are not a heavyweight, do you think I need to waste precious time to monitor your privacy?"

After several seconds, Rong Jinbei retorted her lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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