you are the love of my life

Chapter 308 Really Helpless

Chapter 308 Really Helpless
The cheeks on both sides are bulging high, which is really cute.

"There is no sincerity at all, and you are not a heavyweight, do you think I need to waste precious time to monitor your privacy?"

After several seconds, Rong Jinbei retorted her lightly.

Qin Yise's eyes widened, and she couldn't help being rude. What on earth did she want to do? If she said it directly, would she die?
"Then what do you want?" She asked directly angrily.

"It's very simple, you use your brain to think!"

When the voice fell, Rong Jinbei's hand holding the steering wheel suddenly turned and changed the route.

"Hey, where are you going? Aren't you going to an important banquet?"

Qin Yise frowned, suddenly having a bad feeling.

Sure enough, as she expected: "Of course I'm looking for a quiet place, I have some things to deal with."

Rong Jinbei said in a dignified manner, his deep eyes were like a bottomless sea, which was impossible to see through.

Qin Yise's brain was buzzing, he probably wanted to destroy the corpse!
The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became. Her little heart was pounding, but she still pretended to be calm on the surface, but she was already so nervous that she was about to smoke.

The man pulled the car over and stopped, he unbuckled his seat belt, and suddenly he leaned over to unbuckle her seat belt...

Sure enough, it's not a good thing, no one will find out if you throw the corpse in the wilderness, grandma, what a bear!
His lips were only a few millimeters away from hers, and he asked maliciously: "Your eyeballs are rolling around, what are you thinking about?"

Qin Yise's face flushed instantly.

"No, nothing."

She covered her mouth nervously, carefully avoiding his breathing, and rolled her eyes angrily, "Can you please stay away from me, I feel uncomfortable."

"It just so happens that I'm not comfortable either!"

Rong Jinbei made a pun.

Qin Yise looked at him in a daze, with innocent eyes, Rong Jinbei looked at her expression, after all, he couldn't help himself.

His voice was a little hoarse, even more low and magnetic: "You're so afraid of me, huh?"

Qin Yise shrank her fingers, avoiding him like a snake and a scorpion, not daring to touch him, and replied hesitantly: "Yes... I'm afraid of you...very afraid..."

"I'm not a scourge, so what's there to be afraid of? Why don't you become dumb or stutter when you get nervous?"

"I want... I want you to take care of it!"

"Small stutter."

"Bah... bah, you're the only one who stutters..."

Qin Yise really wanted to bite off her tongue, said she was addicted?

"You still don't admit it? You little stammer, you are here to torture me!"

"I want to torture you, so let President Rong give you a chance."

Before Qin Yise finished speaking, he bullied himself in front of her domineeringly:
"Answer my question, huh? You haven't told me the answer just now!"

Rong Jinbei pressed her weak and boneless little hand heavily with his fingers, and rubbed her palms vigorously a few times.

Qin Yise gritted her teeth tightly and remained silent, "..."

This bastard is really too much.

Qin Yise felt dizzy, and if things went on like this, either this man was crazy, or she was crazy!
And terminally ill.

Her face was flushed, and she couldn't help saying something along with his words: "I am narrow-minded, and I can't accommodate you, a big Buddha."

Rong Jinbei's eyes were shining brightly, radiating dazzling brilliance, and an unpredictable smile curled up on the corner of his lips.

"Oh? Really? How narrow-minded, how do you know if you don't try?"

(End of this chapter)

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