Chapter 317

"Calling tired after only a few minutes? If you can't bear it, you have to persevere. The music is not over yet. You want to embarrass me?" Rong Jinbei scolded displeased.

Qin Yise's high heels accidentally stepped on him a few times.

"Stupid, back!" He warned again in a deep voice.

Qin Yise was exhausted physically, so of course she couldn't keep up with his pace.

It's quite tiring to dance with someone who doesn't cooperate!

Rong Jinbei's patience was exhausted by her, and he scolded angrily: "I've never seen you so stupid, panting like this after jumping a few steps, if you were on the bed, wouldn't it kill you?"

Qin Yiser's ears burned, and she couldn't stand his teasing, she clung to him absent-mindedly and was led away by him, while looking towards the edge of the dance floor.

It just so happened that Gu Xiyuan's gaze also turned towards her.

Her complexion was very bad, and she said to Qiao Nansheng beside her, "Why don't I want to see Qin Yise and Rong Shao get mixed up at all!"

"That's because you're jealous." Qiao Nansheng looked at the people on the dance floor and analyzed objectively.

"Nonsense, how could I be jealous of her!"

A woman inferior to herself in every way.

"You women just like duplicity. If you don't admit it, there's nothing I can do about it." Qiao Nansheng duanxiang looked at her and said with deep meaning.

Gu Xiyuan turned her face away, unwilling to talk to him.

When the music for the opening dance ended, Qin Yise and Rong Jinbei withdrew from everyone's sight, and a pair of guests walked onto the dance floor with their female companions.

At the climax of the banquet, Mr. Rong climbed onto the round steps of the sponsor and gave a speech to express his gratitude:

"During your busy schedules, you are able to find time to attend this banquet. I would like to express my gratitude to Rong. In fact, there is one more important thing I want to announce to you today..."

The distinguished guests held their wine glasses and listened to him with great interest.

Standing behind Rong Jinbei, Qin Yise didn't understand what Mr. Rong was about to say next, and what it had to do with him.

The man in front suddenly turned his head, glanced at her, then directly hugged her, and walked up to the center of the stage under the watchful eyes of everyone.

He walked steadily towards his father, and didn't stop until a few meters away.

It was a rare scene where father and son were on the same stage, and it instantly became the focus of everyone's attention!

But Rong Shao actually held a woman in his arms and got into a stalemate with Mr. Rong face to face. Isn't this making people unable to go down the stairs?
And his actions are undoubtedly slapping the Gu family in the face!
Just now Gu Boyan proposed a blind date, but was ruthlessly rejected by Rong Shao. Now everyone is even more puzzled, what are their father and son going to do.

But Qin Yise vaguely guessed that she became an innocent shield again.

Rong Jinbei didn't want to be bound by a commercial marriage, so he used her as a cover, and of course refused to marry with any family.

He needed a target, and she just happened to be useful.
What an irony.

If it is foolish and naive to believe that this kind of man will have love, it would be more practical than believing in ghosts in the world.

The two father and son looked at each other, Rong Zhanting stood there with a blank expression, holding the microphone in one hand and holding a cane in the other, while Rong Jinbei stood there arrogantly holding Qin Yise, provoking a demonstration.

Before everyone could finish their doubts, Mr. Rong took the lead to break the embarrassment, and asked in a pretended kindness: "Miss Qin, is this intentional to disrupt the situation?"

"Mr. Rong really wronged me. Didn't you see that I was captured by your son?" Qin Yise smiled, and answered with a lot of effort.

(End of this chapter)

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