you are the love of my life

Chapter 318 An Untimely Marriage Proposal

Chapter 318 An Untimely Marriage Proposal

Rong Jinbei hugged her in his arms, strangled her tightly, and didn't move at all. Looking at the old man Rong who was not far away, he said in a low voice, "Dad, I have a happy event and I want to announce it in front of everyone. I believe you will be happy!"

His impeccable handsome face, under the spotlight, exudes the aura of a king.

Even though he was holding a woman in his arms, it was very high-profile, but it didn't affect his temperament at all.

The eyes of the father and son met in the air, playing chess silently.

"What's something to be happy about?" Mr. Rong asked following his words.

"Today's banquet, Uncle Gu is the protagonist, and it is also a very honored day for me. Uncle Gu won't mind if I steal the show?"

Rong Jinbei said politely, the corner of his mouth was half a smile, but it didn't reach his eyes.

Gu Boyan stood under the stage, nodded awkwardly, "Of course I don't mind!"

But he was muttering in his heart: "Should this stinky boy be foolish, and openly abandon his daughter, a jewel, to choose a worthless woman. He really dares to do such a loss-making business?"

Gu Xiyuan stared fixedly at the stage, and Qiao Man was also waiting to see the good show, to see how Qin Yise found an excuse for herself to escape this time.

Rong Jinbei's face was firmer than ever before, as if he had made a major decision, he was condescending, and glanced at the crowd below:

"I injected 70 billion yuan into the Qin Corporation before. I think everyone knows about it, but they must be very confused. Why did I do this? Such a large amount of money was given to Qin Zhentian. Isn't it equivalent to a meat bun beating a dog?"

He said, putting down the woman in his arms, Qin Yise was sweating all over, froze there, not daring to move, holding her breath, waiting for his next words.

She also wanted to know what was the reason why he laid the fuse and ruined the Qin family.

But she was afraid of hearing the cruel results!

She couldn't help feeling the urge to run away, and her heartbeat began to inexplicably quicken.

Rong Jinbei continued to speak unhurriedly: "Before my mother died, her blood type was RH negative and panda blood. She once saved a little girl who was seriously ill. As a result, the little girl was lucky and survived. She told My kind people will be rewarded, and I just want to verify whether this sentence is true or not!"

The man's voice was deep and deep, and every word was bitten extremely hard, very hard.


Qin Yise couldn't digest the news for a while, she just stood there blankly, feeling dizzy.

The kind person who saved her back then was actually Rong Jinbei's mother?
The guests in the audience were also excited, feeling incredible!

A complex light flashed in Mr. Rong's eyes. This son is really capricious. He actually spent 70 billion to test a woman. He is a prodigal!
Rong Jinbei ignored the surprised expressions on everyone's faces, and his voice rang out from every corner, "This lucky girl is exactly Miss Qin by my side. After passing the test, she has passed the test!"

Qin Yise's head was buzzing, her cheeks were hot, and she was a little ashamed by his presumptuous assertion.

Rong Jinbei glanced at her, his black eyes were bottomless, filled with a cold light, they shot straight at her, even with a hint of warning, signaling her not to move around.

Qin Yise stood there with her legs stiff, unable to exert any strength at all.

Knowing that she didn't like such a high-profile scene, Rong Jinbei took out a velvet box from his pocket neatly like magic.

(End of this chapter)

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