Chapter 322

Rong Jinbei's deep and magnetic voice, with a hint of laziness and ease, said, "God put a sincere love in front of me. If I don't cherish it, I believe that when I lose it, I will regret it too much." , life is only once, there is no chance to do it again, somehow my mother saved her, but I fell in love with her, this must be God's guidance."

God's guidance?

It's ridiculous!

How could a cruel, ruthless man believe in God and ghosts?

Who will believe it.

"Rong Shao, you gave up the two major resources of the Qiao family and the Gu family, and chose Miss Qin, because she has your mother's blood in her body, and you want her to repay the kindness of the past with a promise of your own body?"

"Isn't this statement too far-fetched?"

"Then will you marry Qin Yise? Will Mr. Rong agree to your relationship? Also, the Qin family has gone bankrupt, and she has nowhere to match you."

Every sentence of questioning and suspicion, like a sharp dagger, pierced Qin Yise's heart.

She clenched her fists tightly, wanting to justify something, she couldn't let Rong Jinbei lead her by the nose like this, he would do whatever he said, and the end would only be irreversible.

Qin Yise's Qiushui eyes sparkled with crystal light, she mustered up her courage, looked directly at the contemptuous and sarcastic eyes around her, and said bravely:

"Everyone, I have the right to explain all this. Mr. Rong is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. He is kind to our Qin family. It's me who has been pestering him..."

She paused, looked slowly at the man beside her, and conveyed the firmness in her heart with her eyes, "I have suffered from severe thalassemia since I was a child, and it is unknown how long I will live, so President Rong pity me , I don’t want me to have regrets and pressure, to create such a surprise to make me happy, Miss Gu and Miss Qiao Man are the most qualified women to stand by his side."

The words she said shocked everyone, but it didn't mean that the guests would buy it.

She is young and suffering from an incurable disease, she is indeed pitiful, but there are so many poor people in the world, this is not worthy of sympathy!

Qin Yise didn't care about the way everyone looked at her, it just made her feel more comfortable when she told the truth from the bottom of her heart.

She turned her head, looked at Rong Jinbei firmly, and said word by word with great caution, "Rong Jinbei, thank you for the surprise you gave me. I am very honored. Even if I die tomorrow, I will have no regrets."

"Say something stupid, I won't let you die, even if you want to be brave, it's not like that!"

Rong Jinbei frowned, holding her wrist tightly with his big hands, lowered his voice, and popped out word by word from between his teeth.

He carefully explored her eyes, wanting to see if she was joking. Even if he was doing public relations, he didn't need her to force his way.

Qin Yise smiled, and instead of answering, asked, "Isn't it because you pity me that you treat me so well?"

"Who told you that!"

Rong Jinbei's veins twitched violently, and he growled almost gnashing his teeth.

Who does he want to be nice to, who does he want to like, does he still need a reason?

Does a man need thousands of excuses to have sex with a woman?

Love is made and he does not deny it.
Qin Yise's eyes sparkled with brilliance, and she blinked playfully, "What should be said, what should not be said, has already been said, let's go!"

She took Rong Jinbei's hand and left, leaving behind a room full of guests who were dumbfounded, at a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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