you are the love of my life

Chapter 323 The Jealous and Crazy Woman

Chapter 323 The Jealous and Crazy Woman

The two got into the car without any reporters following them.

Qin Yise sat in the back row, leaning against the window, as if drained of strength, staring blankly at the receding scenery in a daze.

"Don't say stupid things again!" Rong Jinbei warned in a low voice in her ear.

"Yes." Qin Yise answered absent-mindedly.

At this moment, the scene that happened at the banquet just now is being circulated wildly on the Internet.

They are all well-known big V public accounts, and the purpose of posting dynamic news is to attract people's attention and increase fans, but they didn't expect it to explode in an instant.

The executive president of the Rong Group actually fell in love with a school girl, and even publicly admitted the relationship!

Rong Jinbei is a mythical legend in the business world. He has created countless brilliance in just a few years after returning to China.

Now, the sudden public relationship is undoubtedly explosive news, and the object is still an ordinary college student, and he dropped out of school without graduating.

Overnight, Qin Yise became a hotly debated figure in C University. From time to time, everyone compared her and Xiao Feifei's festivities and complained.

Xiao Feifei sat in the library with her mobile phone in her hand, watching the topics discussed by her classmates in the WeChat group in disbelief.

Those mocking expressions and words appeared in her line of sight, and her delicate and beautiful facial features showed distorted anger.

Qin Yise, you bitch!

Why do you always have such good luck when you are against me everywhere.

How can you let Rong Shao do this for you!
"Beifei, what's wrong with you, your face is so ugly."

A kind classmate next to him couldn't help asking, "The group is discussing Qin Yise being taken care of by a rich man. Didn't you say that she had an affair with He Shaofeng?"

Why does the president of Rongda not dislike her scandal at all, but likes it very much.

The library is very quiet, but it is also a good place to listen to gossip. Everyone couldn't help pricking up their ears, looking this way, looking at Xiao Feifei curiously, and listening to her explanation with great interest.

Rong Jinbei would publicly admit Qin Yise's identity, which means that she has already climbed to the top, and even the former goddess Gu Xiyuan couldn't make him look at him, which means that Rong Shao is absolutely serious this time!

"If Qin Yise had hooked up with Mr. Rong long ago, how could she have fallen in love with other men? She must have been framed for the bed photo incident." The students chattered.


Before they finished their gossip, Xiao Feifei suddenly dropped the mobile phone in her hand and stood up from her seat.

With a cold face, she glared at the spectators around her, her expression a little ferocious, "Have you said enough? Shut up if you have said enough!"

What kind of a thing is Qin Yise, an unfavored impostor who lives under the fence of others, killed her own mother, imprisoned her father, and ruined her family, yet she still has the face to openly show her love to a man in a high-profile manner.

Isn't Rong Jinbei not close to women, isn't he not involved in any scandals? Why did he fall in love with Qin Yise? What is it about her that is attractive?

"Feifei, don't be angry, these people just like to make noises, and everyone definitely doesn't mean to belittle you!"

In everyone's eyes, Xiao Xiao's beauty has always been gentle, sweet and generous, sacred and inviolable.

No matter how angry she is, she is also cold, indifferent, and dismissive of everything. When has anyone seen her like this?

Xiao Feifei's cold eyes swept over everyone, someone picked up her mobile phone and handed it to her.
But she didn't even look at it, and grabbed it arbitrarily, without even half a word of thanks.

(End of this chapter)

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