you are the love of my life

Chapter 324 Don't be wishful thinking

Chapter 324 Don't be wishful thinking

Qin Yise always gets the limelight, but she gets nothing.

She is not reconciled!

Everyone was so frightened by the expression on Xiao Feifei's face that they didn't dare to look into her eyes.

Usually, she and Qin Yise have the deepest grievances, but now she has made their relationship public and has become the prospective young mistress of the Rong family. This is clearly the rhythm of the superior.

The more favored Qin Yise was, the more embarrassing Xiao Feifei's situation became!
After all, she offended the wife of the future president of the Rong family.

Xiao Feifei quickly left the library and fled in a panic. When she got to a place where no one was around, she took out her mobile phone and called Qiao Man.

"Sister Manman, it is said on the Internet that Qin Yise has an incurable disease, is it true?"

"Yes, I arranged the eyeliner at the hospital, there is nothing wrong with it." Qiao Man replied indifferently.

Xiao Feifei couldn't hide her joy when she heard the words.

Qiao Man couldn't help snorting when she heard her joyful voice: "Don't get too excited, her condition has been stable. It seems that she won't die in a short time."

Xiao Feifei gritted her teeth leisurely, her eyes showed a gnashing of chills, "Why don't you die sooner, this bitch!"

"Sooner or later, she will die, so it's useless for you to worry now. Calm down. I've inquired that her disease cannot be cured at all, unless the blood is changed regularly, and the mortality rate is also extremely high." Qiao Man said patiently and slowly.

Xiao Feifei clenched the phone tightly, took a deep breath, and continued to ask, "So, Qin Yise might lose her braids one day. She really knows how to play tricks, and even uses terminal illness to win the sympathy of men!"

"No matter what, Brother Jin Bei is determined to be with her as a woman, and even rejects the Gu family in public, without showing any sympathy. Even if Qin Yise gets rid of her, do you think other women still have a chance? ?”

Qiao Man narrowed her eyes coldly, and asked coolly, her lips curled up in a mocking arc.

Xiao Feifei was speechless for a moment, her eyes were filled with killing intent and jealousy.

She changed the topic, and immediately flattered: "Sister Manman, are you willing to just give up like this? Mistress Rong's position belongs to you, even if Rong Shao can't hold other women in his heart, you keep her You are enough, you have waited for him for more than ten years, and you will be his bride soon, how can you be ruined by that bitch Qin Yise?"

"That's enough, stop talking! Don't you think that I'm willing to talk nonsense to you, so you really think you're an onion?" Qiao Man interrupted her displeased.

Miss Qiao usually hates this kind of self-righteous, dog-headed military adviser who comes up with bad ideas!

Xiao Feifei remained silent. Her selfishness was well known to passers-by. It was precisely because the enemy's enemy was a friend that she had the opportunity to get close to Qiao Man, but she was doing the opposite.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Qiao Man gave a cold snort in satisfaction, and warned in a deep voice: "You'd better piss and look in the mirror, you're not much better than Qin Yise, even if you try your best, Jin Bei Brother is also a man beyond your reach."

Xiao Feifei clenched her fists tightly, desperately resisting the humiliation, she won't just accept her fate!

At this moment, at the other end of the campus, in the boys' dormitory.

He Shaofeng sat on the bed, looking at the news that popped up on the computer screen. On the headlines of major websites, there was news about Rong Jinbei announcing his relationship.

Qin Yise snuggled up to him, her appearance remained the same, but her conversation and dress did not look like the person he knew.

(End of this chapter)

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