you are the love of my life

Chapter 325 Ingratitude

Chapter 325 Ingratitude
In school before, that innocent junior who used to hang around him was now wearing a delicate and beautiful evening gown with bare shoulders, hugged by a man in his arms, her face pale.

Those little hands never left Rong Jinbei's neck from the beginning to the end.

Her whole world seems to be only him.

This man is her god.

"Damn it, the president of Rong's Group actually disclosed his relationship with our elementary school girl." The roommate was shocked, holding a tablet computer, sitting next to He Shaofeng, and said in disbelief.

After all, Qin Yise used to often go to the boys' dormitory, and whenever she encountered any troubles, she always came to He Shaofeng to solve them, so everyone recognized that they were a couple.

Some time ago, they opened | rooms in the hotel, and there was a lot of trouble
It's only been a while, and Qin Yise is having sex with another man again!
What's even more incredible is that Rong Jinbei actually announced Qin Yise's identity directly in front of many celebrities, which meant that the girl was about to fly to the branch and become a phoenix!
"People go to high places, and water flows to low places. Her choice is not wrong." He Shaofeng said with his lips curled up mockingly.

Anyone would choose a big president with good conditions and a lot of money.

And he is just a rookie who hasn't graduated, and if he struggles for another ten years, he may not reach the height of Rong Jinbei.

He looked at the picture on the computer screen, his eyes were sour, and his mouth was full of bitter taste.

It turns out that a man like Rong Jinbei doesn't have to care about a woman's innocence.

As long as he likes, he can give Qin Yise the supreme glory at any time, hold her in his palm, and pamper her like a treasure.

There is nothing wrong with it, Qin Yise will of course choose to be Rong Jinbei's woman, what is he, a bastard who possesses her innocence, a fledgling brat, what can he compare with others.


He can't even match Rong Jinbei's finger!

"Shaofeng, are you okay, don't be too sad, Qin Yise is just a flirtatious woman, ungrateful, willing to change when she sees a difference, not worthy of your attachment."

The roommate looked at He Shaofeng, and saw that his face was extremely pale, uglier than hitting a ghost, he couldn't help feeling a little worried, but he didn't know how to comfort him.

"No, it's none of her business. All along, I'm just being sentimental."

He just misunderstood her intentions and was calculated in the hotel. In fact, she didn't like him at all, and he noticed it at that time.

It's just that now, the loss is more complete.

"Shaofeng, if you really like Qin Yise, you should go for it."

Back then, every time that elementary school girl had difficulties, she would first think of asking He Shaofeng for help.

Now that she is surrounded by Young Master Rong, how can she think of the senior who helped her countless times back then.

Qin Yise became an Internet celebrity overnight, and was scolded miserably!

Both her and Rong Jinbei's names were on the hot searches, occupying the headlines of all major lists.

All the black history has also been picked up, including her being the top card in the nightclub.

Sitting in the car, Qin Yise didn't come back to her senses, staring blankly at the fading night outside with dull eyes.

During this period of time, too many things happened, disturbing her heart.

Rong Jinbei was sitting beside her, with his big hand on her shoulder, and asked without thinking, "What are you thinking, you are so serious, and you haven't recovered yet?"

Qin Yise withdrew her eyes, her eyes were shining with crystal water, and looked at him clearly, "Rong Jinbei, I'm tired, I can't go crazy with you, act together, and do those vigorous things."

(End of this chapter)

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