you are the love of my life

Chapter 326 Soft Bubbling

Chapter 326 Soft Bubbling
She really couldn't bear so much responsibility and infamy.

"Do you have a fever, or do you feel unwell?"

Rong Jinbei touched her forehead with his knuckle fingers, and asked with a worried expression.

Qin Yise remained motionless, let him touch her forehead in a daze, and murmured, "Why are you openly antagonizing the Gu family and the Qiao family today? Admitting that I am your girlfriend is not good for you." Little good, no?"

He is a businessman, he will sacrifice his reputation and take risks for things that have no interest?
When Rong Jinbei heard this, he withdrew his hand, and his voice blended into the night, adding a bit of loneliness: "Isn't this the sense of security you've always expected?"

He asked lightly, the corners of his mouth curved into a smile that was not a smile.

Qin Yise looked at him with a puzzled face, "When did I want your sense of security, and besides, we are not a real couple!"

She thought of the ring on her hand, subconsciously wanted to take it off and give it back to him.

She can't afford such an expensive love.

Whether it's true or false...

She couldn't let him abandon the responsibility on his shoulders for her own sake, leaving her with a bad reputation forever.

Rong Jinbei held down her movements, his eyes became darker, he stared at her closely and said, "It's not a real lover. Could it be that they are all fake after sleeping so many times? Or do you prefer not to have a real girlfriend?" Be a pet?"

He has already given her supreme glory, admitted her identity to the whole world, prevented her from being wronged, and even rejected all marriages.

What else is she not satisfied with?
Qin Yise wriggled her pale lips, and smiled ironically: "What do you do, you never consider my feelings, you forcefully press me without asking me if I want it, is this really love? Or are you using calculations?" What about my other move? I can’t figure it out, and I don’t want to think about it. Too many things have happened recently, such as shootings, kidnappings, and bankruptcy. Please, let me go."

Her grievances and sadness burst out in an instant, and she never said it, it doesn't mean she doesn't feel bad.

No horror, just a light accusation, after all, she didn't know good from bad, and he was also at fault!
"Sorry, I didn't think it through. Since you have so many opinions, I won't force you to stand shoulder to shoulder with me, but..."

Rong Jinbei's eyes were affectionate and complicated, he suddenly paused, and looked at the woman beside him meaningfully, his heart seemed to be swept by a feather, itching unbearably.

This feeling is very uncomfortable. It seems that something has been touched by someone, and then it wants to escape irresponsibly.

He would actually feel lost, up and down... all sorts of unpleasant things!
"Stop rejecting everything I do for you, I won't hurt you, trust me."

The man who had always been moody suddenly became so gentle and understanding, Qin Yise couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed.

She bit her lip, tightened her meridians little by little, and said with difficulty, "Rong Jinbei, you really don't have to do this. There are thousands of unfortunate people in the world, can you come here with sympathy?"

"My love is overflowing, but it's only aimed at you, every cell, after touching you, it will be soft and bubbling, there is only one place, it will always be hard!"

His vicious hooked lips were still in the mood to joke at this moment.

Qin Yise had a sore nose, but she couldn't hate him at all for his indecency.

(End of this chapter)

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