you are the love of my life

Chapter 327 Bewitched by him

Chapter 327 Bewitched by him
She took a deep breath, trying to force back the tears in her eyes, for fear that he would see her cowardice, so she simply turned her eyes away and looked out of the window.


At this moment, Rong Zhai has been blown up.

Antique vases, priceless furniture and china were all smashed to pieces.

The old man Rong reprimanded the manager furiously: "Call that stinky boy and tell him to come back immediately. If he dares not listen, he will set fire to the Qin family's villa for me!"

"Yes, sir."

Director Rong turned around quickly, and hurriedly called Rong Jinbei with his mobile phone, but he didn't answer after a long time.

"Your phone has been ringing, why don't you answer it?" Qin Yise was so disturbed by the phone's ringing that she couldn't listen any more, and reminded her involuntarily.

Rong Jinbei's eyes turned cold, he glanced at the caller ID, hung up directly, and threw the phone aside.


Qin Yise felt a sense of uneasiness, and stretched out her hand to gently pull down his sleeve, "Don't do this, what if it's an important matter? If it's delayed, it's not good..."

Rong Jinbei glanced at her with lowered eyes, and said in a low voice, "The old man just called to scold me. This is a matter between us men. You don't need to worry about it."

With that said, Rong Jinbei was about to turn off his phone, but Qin Yise stopped him worriedly, "Go back and explain, let me get off the bus nearby, I can take the bus by myself."

"Don't worry, I'll take you home first. I brought you out. Of course, I'll be more at ease if I bring you home myself." Rong Jin Beiyun said lightly.

In case this woman runs away halfway, where will he put his face!

Although his eyeliner was everywhere, she couldn't get out of his palm at all, but he didn't want to cause trouble.

Especially now that media reporters are everywhere, waiting to scoop up scoops!
The car stopped firmly in front of the Qin family's villa, and the iron door opened slowly. When Manager Rong couldn't wait, Rong Jinbei suddenly called back.

His tone was frivolous, and he asked the teacher deliberately: "Uncle Wei, the phone ran out of battery just now, what can I do for you?"

Holding the phone with one hand, Rong Jinbei sat motionless, watching Qin Yise get off the car with an arrogant and arrogant tone.

Before the manager could reply, Rong Zhanting snatched the microphone and threw the teacup in his hand on the ground, "You bastard, get the hell out of here! You'd better prepare a reasonable explanation for what happened today. Explain, to deal with tomorrow's shareholders meeting!"

Through the receiver, I could feel my father's anger. Go back now, isn't it time to fire?
"Dad, I have nothing to say about what I said and the water I poured out! Didn't you see it all with your own eyes, what do you want from me? Go back on what you said, and shoot yourself in the foot with a stone?"

This is not his style!

"Bastard, do you think that I can't deal with you if your wings are hard? Huh?" Mr. Rong bit the end of his voice very hard.

"You are welcome. I don't care what others think, but I won't bow my head easily. If Dad doesn't believe in my ability, just give it a try." Rong Jinbei pinched the center of his brows, his tone extremely charming.


There was another sound of something being smashed.

"Okay, very good! Since you are so promising, let me tell you that the Rong family will not allow a sick woman to enter the house. Jin Bei, if you choose her, do it well and let her be unknown for the rest of her life." Prepare!"

(End of this chapter)

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