Chapter 330
As soon as he reached the door of the bedroom on the second floor, a door suddenly opened from the inside.

Rong Jinbei had a cold aura all over his body, his face was indistinguishable from joy and anger, his eyes were calm, he stood there, and said expressionlessly, "Why are you panicking, what happened?"

"Young master, the company's stock price has fallen to the limit right after the opening of the market. The major shareholders have sold their shares one after another, and even invited overseas companies to sell short. It seems that they want to kill Rong again. Many investment institutions have already exploded. Let me give you an explanation..."

Rong Jinbei still had no expression on his charming face, he just hummed lightly, and then said casually: "Have you dealt with all the negative news on the Internet?"

Ling Tuo nodded. The young master told him to deal with it last night. He never dared to be ambiguous, "Except for those who attended the banquet, who were chattering on social platforms, all major media platforms have blocked all information about the banquet. report, so there is no news for the time being, young master, don't worry, Miss Qin is safe."

That's fine.

All he cared about was her.

"Since these old foxes want to play psychological tactics with me and show off their power, heh, then I will have fun with them. Anyone who has sold their shares will be expelled from the board of directors. It will not be so easy to enter the market again!" Rong Jin Bei said coldly.

He just took this opportunity to wash away those old stubbornness, absorb the bargaining chips himself, and turn himself into the master.

"Yes, young master, what should we do next?" Ling Tuo asked respectfully.

"Go to the company first!"

Twelve hours after the banquet, Rong Jinbei finally showed up again and appeared in the public eye.

The reporter surrounded the gate of the Rong Group, and when he got out of the car, there was already a swarm of people outside.

"Mr. Rong is here."

When everyone saw him, they pressed the shutter desperately, as if they had been shot with chicken blood, and the spotlight kept flashing.

"Taking photos is prohibited. If you don't want your camera to be smashed, you'd better be sensible!"

The bodyguard roared in a rough voice, stopping the frantically crowded reporters.

"Excuse me, Mr. Rong, as soon as the market opened, the stock price fell uncontrollably. How can you explain it!" These reporters did not give up, and were still pushing forward desperately.

Rong Jinbei wore black sunglasses on his face. He glanced at the reporter who asked the question, and fixed his eyes on the sign hanging on her chest. The corners of his mouth were raised, and he replied with a half-smile: "A small newspaper office dares to come and snatch it." The limelight, the stock price adjustment, I need to report to you in detail?"

"Shouldn't Rong's infighting, the tragedy of three years ago repeat itself, and the shareholders of Rong's taking the opportunity to steal the hard-earned money of retail investors, shouldn't investors be given an explanation?" the female reporter asked sharply.

Rong Jinbei frowned, and a cold light flashed from the bottom of his eyes, but was blocked by the sunglasses: "Don't worry, the problem you are worried about won't happen. As for the others, I have no comment. Come and clear the venue!"

After he finished speaking impatiently, he strode inside, and the bodyguards quickly dispersed the reporters.

Those who are unwilling to cooperate will be forced to drive away!

After entering the elevator, President Rongda took off the sunglasses on his face. His eyes were dark and unwavering. He stared at the red jumping numbers above the elevator. I smashed into the hole, and the closing must turn red."

(End of this chapter)

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