you are the love of my life

Chapter 331 Turn over to be the master

Chapter 331 Turn over to be the master


Ling Tuo was taken aback for a moment, the young master is gambling all his wealth.

The elevator door opened, and Rong Jinbei took the lead to step out, then glanced at the assistant who hadn't recovered, his cold gaze shot over like a cold light: "Aren't you going? Waiting for me to treat you to dinner? "

"Yes, yes, I'll go right now."

Ling Tuo came back to his senses, and walked towards the finance department without stopping.

Rong Jinbei cashed out all the funds he could mobilize, as well as his own private property, funds, and real estate, and quickly invested them in the stock market to buy the shares of the Rong Group.

These shareholders sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. The more pressure the old man puts on, the more they enjoy the rewards.

One after another, they followed the wind and sold their shares, just waiting to suppress the stock price to a low level, and then take it back.

First, I just took this opportunity to cash out, launder money, and take the opportunity to make a fortune.

Secondly, it can also dampen that kid Rong Jinbei's spirit!

Since he took the position of president, he has ridiculed them veterans a lot.

It's a pity that Rong Jinbei didn't pay attention to this trick at all!

He sucked chips at this point and looked like he was throwing himself into a trap.

It's really just muddying the waters.

He has poured in tens of billions back and forth, but the stock price still has no improvement. The market value is huge, and it is not possible for him to turn the tide by himself.

Mr. Rong blatantly ordered the major shareholders to suppress him. This method of cannibalism will undoubtedly make him admit defeat.

Whoever has more capital is the real king!
In the financial circle of City C, there has never been a scene of father and son fighting. No matter who wins, it is a scene that harms others and benefits oneself for the Rong family who has just recovered.

Looking at the K-line on the computer where the stock trend still fluctuated little, Rong Jinbei gradually clenched his hands into fists, and angrily slammed down the table, frowning, and the expression on his face became more and more dignified, not daring to take it lightly.

This is not a joke, but a real financial war!
The man's cold eyes stared at the trading volume, calmly picked up the phone, and ordered the trader to keep pulling up.

Every minute and every second is like fighting against the god of death. Time is money. As long as he strives to stabilize the stock price before the market closes, he will have a lot of time to do public relations.

In the last two hours, the situation gradually reversed, and the limit was finally opened, showing signs of revival.

The Chief Financial Officer came in sweating profusely and reported, "Mr. Rong, we have run out of funds, and all the cash that the bank can turn over has been embezzled, but it is still far from the goal. What should we do now? "

Rong Jinbei's eyes suddenly sank, and his black pupils were so cold that they almost froze.

He gritted his teeth, swallowed the suffocation in his chest, and said, "There are only the last ten minutes left. You only need to be responsible for stabilizing the flow of funds. I will figure out the rest."

"Yes." The Chief Financial Officer wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said with lingering fear: "Mr. Rong, what you did today is too risky!"

"I have my own sense of propriety, you can go about your business." Rong Jinbei squeezed the space between his brows, waved his hand wearily, and sent him out.

After Rong Jinbei finished speaking, he picked up the landline and was about to call Qiao Nansheng when the door of the office was suddenly pushed open.

A group of high-spirited old men came into his sight, Rong Zhanting held the crutch in his hand, raised his eyebrows, and said arrogantly: "Do you really think you have stabilized the situation?"

(End of this chapter)

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