Chapter 355

Qiao Man was frightened by Gu Xiaosheng's bitter and hateful eyes, and let out a scream.

"What the hell are you trying to do, you lunatic?" She asked in horror.

But now this man only has strong hatred for her, "Don't you know what I want to do!"

"Go away—"

Qiao Man looked at the man in front of him in fear.

A terrifying thought flashed through her mind, and she quickly said loudly: "Gu Xiaosheng, the person who caused you to become like this is Qin Yise, why are you kidnapping me? I have no grievances or enmity with you. People took advantage of it?"

"Bitch, I knew you would deny it. Do you really think I don't know about the good things you did? Huh?"

Gu Xiaosheng grabbed her hair forcefully and asked viciously.

Qiao Man gasped in pain, feeling that his scalp was about to be ripped off by him, the corners of her mouth were still bleeding, and her pink cheeks were in a state of embarrassment and pitifulness.

Tears welled up in her eyes, but she didn't dare to let them fall. She tremblingly looked at the person close to her, "I really don't know what you're talking about, but this matter has nothing to do with me. If you want revenge, you should find Qin Yise." go."

"To shut up!"

Gu Xiaosheng interrupted her furiously: "Bitch, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, I have a surprise waiting for you, do you want to see it?"


Qiao Man's body trembled, with great fear and panic on her face.

She was so frightened that she was trembling, she bit her lip with her teeth, and tried her best not to let the scream overflow.

Shouldn't Gu Xiaosheng, a lunatic, seek revenge from Qin Yise?

It was also because of that woman that the Jin family was destroyed by Brother Jin Bei.

Last time at the banquet, she did use him to slander Qin Yise and take the opportunity to destroy her relationship with Brother Jin Bei.

But I didn't expect such a big commotion to come out!
"Who is my grandfather, who is my brother, you all know, if you dare to touch me, you will definitely die without a place to bury you!"

With bloodshot eyes still hanging from the corner of Qiao Man's mouth, she struggled desperately, and continued to say bravely: "Gu Xiaosheng, I don't need to harm you, you have been used by others, and you are used as a weight, don't be obsessed with it, our common enemy is Qin Yise That person is right."

Gu Xiaosheng pinched her chin with his fingers, and her white neck soon turned red.

He lit a cigarette, took two puffs, lightly sprayed white mist on Qiao Man's face, narrowed his eyes coldly, sniffed and said, "A common enemy? Are you really fooling me like a fool?"


Before Qiao Man could say anything, she was interrupted viciously by Gu Xiaosheng: "What are you! Bitch, why did you hint at me to embarrass Qin Yise at the banquet that day? In the end, it was just for your selfishness, because You like Rong Jinbei, and you can use any means to get this person you can't get, so it's okay to sacrifice me! There is no loss for you, right? "

His face was ferocious, his pupils constricted sharply, and he looked like a hell Shura, with a murderous coldness on his face.

Choked by the smoke, Qiao Man coughed violently, her eyes were full of tears, and her speech became stumbling: " could I do this? You really misunderstood me that day."

"What a misunderstanding!"

Gu Xiaosheng smiled coldly, "My cousin's family collapsed, dare you say that your Qiao family didn't take advantage of the fire? Help Rong Jinbei annex Jin's property?"

Of course, there is no guarantee that anyone's hands will be clean for these shady people in the mall, and if they take advantage of the profits, they will not take it for nothing!
(End of this chapter)

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