you are the love of my life

Chapter 356 Men Get Hard, Harder Than Women

Chapter 356 Men Get Hard, Harder Than Women

His face was ferocious, his pupils constricted sharply, and he looked like a hell Shura, with a murderous coldness on his face.

Choked by the smoke, Qiao Man coughed violently, her eyes were full of tears, and her speech became stumbling: " could I do this? You really misunderstood me that day."

"What a misunderstanding!"

Gu Xiaosheng smiled coldly, "My cousin's family collapsed, dare you say that your Qiao family didn't take advantage of the fire? Help Rong Jinbei annex Jin's property?"

Of course, there is no guarantee that anyone's hands will be clean for these shady people in the mall, and if they take advantage of the profits, they will not take it for nothing!
But even if he did, Qiao Man couldn't admit it at this time, it would be like bumping himself into the muzzle of a gun.

She was terribly panicked, her brain cells were spinning rapidly, her eyeballs kept rolling, thinking of countermeasures...

When the man ran out of patience and was about to get impatient, she showed a pitiful and innocent look, and said with a choked voice:
"Those are all things my cousin handled. I never ask. He is him and I am me. These have nothing to do with me. I really don't know anything! Why do you want these accounts to be charged to me?"

Gu Xiaosheng's hand around her chin continued to exert force, forcing her to raise her head and look at him.

Eyes are the least deceiving, and it is easiest to tell if someone is lying or not by looking at a person's eyes!

He looked at the woman in front of him with a violent expression on his face, and his angry eyes almost tore Qiao Man to pieces.

"It has nothing to do with you? So, you didn't find someone to harm me? Then who wants to punish me?" Gu Xiaosheng narrowed his eyes, stared at her dangerously and asked himself: "Could it be that Qin Qin again?" Yi Se?"

Qiao Man's face was full of tears, she shook her head desperately and nodded, and said nonsense: "It's her, it must be her, I really didn't do anything!"

She cried so heartbrokenly, she was pitiful.

But the man in front of him was unmoved.

Gu Xiaosheng gently caressed her small face with his fingers, his eyes flicked back and forth on her white body unscrupulously.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said badly: "Well, baby, if you say no, you won't, I believe you, look, crying so sad, how pitiful, I haven't bullied you yet. What about you, if you look like this, you will have to lose half your life later? Come, wipe away your tears."

If it weren't for his evil gaze, staring at her body, Qiao Man would have almost believed him.

Resisting the urge to gag, she turned her body slightly to avoid his sight, took a deep breath desperately, stopped her tears, and said calmly:
"Just believe that I haven't done it. I'm worried that you will be used by others without knowing it."

Gu Xiaosheng's gaze was tinged with a hint of lust.

With a rare hoarse voice, "Well, as long as you prove it to me, I will believe you and I won't take this account on you."

Qiao Man's eyes widened in horror, and she looked at him in disbelief, "Aren't you paralyzed?"

The doubt and disgust on her face pierced Gu Xiaosheng's masculine dignity like a sharp knife.

A gloomy look flashed in the man's eyes, and he pulled out a gleaming Swiss Army knife from his waist.

The sharp tip of the dagger slowly cut down on Qiao Man's neck.

He said casually: "Even if I don't lift it, there are plenty of ways to kill you bitch!"

(End of this chapter)

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