you are the love of my life

Chapter 357 The Scary Man

Chapter 357 The Scary Man
Qiao Man felt that the cold tip of the knife was like salt being sprinkled, and there was pain that seemed to be there, where it passed.

She seemed to be able to feel her own blood slowly flowing out of her body.

The other party's gaze, staring at her neck intently, is so terrifying!
She is the proud daughter of heaven, the daughter of a famous noble family, but she is treated like this by a dude who deserves to be beaten.

Qiao Man resisted the feeling of nausea, her stomach was churning, she gritted her teeth and said, "Don't come here, as long as you let me go, I'm willing to agree to any conditions..."

Gu Xiaosheng untied her bound hands, the tip of the knife was still scratching her skin, those looming wounds made him even more rampant: "Is it true that you are willing to do anything?"

"Yes, tell me what you want!" Qiao Man nodded hurriedly.

"This young master wants to get to know you, the rich young lady. After I get tired of playing, I will naturally let you go."

Qiao Man shook her head in disbelief, trying her best to hold back the tears in her eyes. She thought he would ask for money, or a chance for Xianyu to turn around, but she didn't expect him to be so daring.

She shook her head in fear and wanted to refuse, but how could this crazy person give up so easily!

Gu Xiaosheng pointed the knife at her fiercely, his eyes were red and his ears were red, like an enraged beast, ready to tear her to pieces at any time.

"Why, don't you want to? Smelly Sanba, I know you are looking for excuses to fool me. I will never believe you people's mouth again, and you will never escape from my palm today!"

When the words fell to the ground, Qiao Man screamed, tears pouring down like rain, a little bit sad.

Why all this?
Although her private life was a bit chaotic, some time ago, she had decided to reform herself and stick to it for Brother Jin Bei alone.

In order to keep her perseverance, she even went to the hospital to make a special repair
During this period of time, he never accepted anyone's pursuit.

The surprise she had painstakingly kept was ruined by Gu Xiaosheng, a scumbag!

He suffered another great pain for no reason.

Obviously the one who deserves revenge is Qin Yise, and she should bear all these crimes.

Gu Xiaosheng, the bastard, was the one who had to deal with her. Why did she become the one who suffered from the nightmare?

It must be Qin Yise who made a hindrance!

She must have plotted against herself!

She gritted her teeth and swore that she would never let that bastard Qin Yise go.

In the future, Qin Yise will definitely repay him thousands of times.

While thinking about it, the man slapped Qiao Man's cheek hard.

"Hehe, are you thinking about how to get revenge on me in the future?"

Gu Xiaosheng stared at her with all-seeing eyes, with anger and madness in his eyes, which made Qiao Man's cheek swell up, which was horrible.

The more embarrassed she was, the more excited he was, boiling like drinking deer blood.

The man asked mockingly in her ear: "See, there is a pinhole camera in the corner. I have already recorded what you look like now. I advise you to be honest, otherwise, I want you nice!"

Gu Xiaosheng didn't have the slightest sympathy, and laughed madly in Qiao Man's ear, scolding her viciously in the most horrifying way...

He hated these self-important people, despised them from head to toe, and hated them so much.

Qiao Man, this femme-hearted woman!
(End of this chapter)

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