you are the love of my life

Chapter 363 Whimsical

Chapter 363 Whimsical
"If you adore me, should I respond to you? There are so many women who love me in the world, and if everyone responds, won't I be exhausted?"

Rong Jinbei asked with a sneer.

"How can I be the same as them?" Qiao Man forced back tears, her eyes widened in disbelief, her face full of tenderness and pitifulness.

She took a deep breath and continued: "Although grandpa hopes that we can be together, I am different from them. At least I never thought of using marriage to tie you down. I, Qiao Man, can't do such a despicable thing! "

Qiao Man spoke vividly, and the tears that had been simmering for a long time fell like beads with a broken thread.

Such a strong and forbearing appearance makes people feel pity.

How can Qin Yise's sickly body satisfy a man?

Brother Jin Bei looked like an ascetic male god, but she knew that he was absolutely fierce in bed.

What she can't get is always in turmoil. Qiao Man has forgotten how many people she has slept with, but what she desires most is Rong Jinbei.

She stared obsessively at the man in front of her, and all kinds of indescribable pictures appeared in her mind, it was so YD.

Rong Jinbei looked at her with a calm face, her cheeks were hot, her brows were full of spring, with a gesture of inviting you into the urn, she took two sips of coffee gracefully, and said with a half-smile:
"Based on what I know about you, as long as you can achieve your goal, there seems to be nothing that Miss Qiao can't do!"

Qiao Man was still immersed in her flirtatious world. The moment she heard the words, it was as if someone had suddenly poured cold water on her.

She froze for a moment, unable to understand the meaning of his words.

Rong Jinbei put down his cup, and continued to speak nonchalantly: "During the years of studying abroad, I smoked white medicine, messed with men and women, contracted unclean diseases, deliberately concealed them, and even harmed my best friend's boyfriend!"

"After returning to China, I restrained myself a lot. While making friends, I tried my best to play the aristocratic image of a rich lady and a famous lady. Every time you get into trouble, Nan Sheng will clean up the mess for you."

"That's not the case, Brother Jin Bei, who are you listening to nonsense? I have never been infected!"

Qiao Man explained with a pale face, and desperately shook her head to retort: ​​"It must be Qin Yise's stinky bastard who framed me behind my back, right?"

She asked incoherently.

The corner of Rong Jinbei's mouth twitched lightly, feeling that this woman was a little out of order.

"Leaving aside these things, you shouldn't have wronged you for spending money to hire a killer, right? Your means are enough to explain everything. I didn't pursue it, but it doesn't mean that these things have been turned over." The man's eyes were as sharp as a sword. glanced at her.

Qiao Man was so frightened by his calm and prestige voice that she didn't dare to take a breath.

At this moment, she felt like a naked clown, exposed to the sun without any cover.

Do not!
Don't mess yourself up.

Qiao Man, look forward to it. If brother Jin Bei really had something to do, how could he have waited until today?
You have died eight hundred times
Rong Jinbei raised his wrist to look at the time, his patience was over.

He picked up the landline, dialed the internal line, and asked the bodyguard to throw this pretentious woman out——

What happened this time was just a warning to Qiao Man!
She repeatedly provoked his relationship with Qin Yise, but Rong Jinbei always kept it in mind!

Anyone who provoked him, no one was lucky enough to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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