Chapter 364

Qin Yise went to the hospital for reexamination regularly, and her condition was getting worse day by day. The doctor told her that she couldn't delay any longer.

Stem cell transplantation must be performed immediately, but the distress is that she has a special blood type and it is difficult to find a matching bone marrow!
On the way home, Qin Yise was full of worries.

She still hasn't done a lot of things, and it's a lie to say that she doesn't have any regrets!
Coming out of the elevator, she saw Gu Xiyuan at the door, with her back to the elevator, putting all her body weight on a man in a white coat.

The slender jade arms hooked the back of the man's neck, the toes were slightly tiptoed, and the two were kissing passionately!

Because this is a private hospital, the people who come to see the doctor are either rich or expensive, and they are all celebrities or big stars who pay great attention to privacy, so there are relatively few patients during the day.

Qin Yise glanced at her, then quickly looked away. As expected of a person who has drunk foreign ink, even the way of talking about love is so passionate and unrestrained, so bold that it makes people blush and heartbeat.

She backed away quietly and walked out from the side.

The driver waited in the parking lot for a long time, and received a call from Qin Yise 10 minutes ago. She said that she got off the elevator, but there was no one there.

The driver thought about it for a while, but finally felt a little worried, so he went in to look for it. Once in and out, he happened to miss it.

As soon as Qin Yise walked to the parking lot, suddenly an unlicensed black car came out from nowhere and blatantly rushed towards her!

Obviously prepared, the tires rubbed against the ground, making a screeching sound!

Qin Yise's face was a little pale, and she dodged to the side. After the car hit the guardrail, it backed up quickly and attacked Qin Yise again. The security guards had already noticed the unusual scene here, and immediately dispatched all staff to intercept the accident. By.

The driver of the unlicensed car seemed to be alarmed, stepped on the brakes, abandoned the car and fled.

The security captain came late, and asked with a look of shock, "Miss Qin, are you okay?"

Qin Yise shook her head, it was very dangerous, she was just a little bit close, and she might die in hell.

Rong Jinbei was in a meeting when he heard the news.

He came out of the conference room in a hurry, furious and scolded all the employees along the way!

He walked into the office and walked back and forth in front of the French windows, his restless heart could not calm down.

The documents on the table were overthrown by him on the ground, and he shouted angrily: "Damn it! What's the use of keeping you a bunch of idiots?"

"Young master, please be safe and don't be impatient. Calm down, isn't Miss Qin all right?"

Ling Tuo stood aside speechless, watching him get angry for no reason.

For those who do great things, the most taboo thing is to be controlled by women!

This is undoubtedly giving the weakness to others.

"What's the use of remedial action when something really happens? Is your mind filled with excrement? It's becoming more and more like a straw bag!"

There was a storm of anger in the man's eyes, and he kept talking.

It seemed very dissatisfied to hear such words from his mouth.

Ling Tuo looked at Rong Jinbei's cold brows, his handsome face was tense, and his facial features were dripping with gloom. He was a little scared, and didn't dare to take a breath.

Being so disgusted by the young master, he expressed that he was wronged and hurt, but he didn't dare to refute.

Rong Jinbei narrowed his eyes, his handsome face was twisted and ferocious at this moment.

He gritted his teeth and said, "It's obvious that someone deliberately murdered. Do you want to find out who is behind it?!"

Ling Tuo shook his head innocently: "The black car didn't have a license plate, and the surveillance didn't capture his face, so there's no way to treat it!"

(End of this chapter)

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