you are the love of my life

Chapter 372 Sweet Burden

Chapter 372 Sweet Burden

"Hey, take me, I'm going too, I want to eat western food!"

Qin Ziqing slapped the car window cheekily and said, with an ignorant look on his face, and he tried his best to wink and be cute.


Qin Yise supported her forehead, she lost all her face.

At any rate, they are half-sisters. She has only returned to China after taking such a long flight, so she won't leave her behind.

"Take my eldest sister with you." She asked.

"Whatever you want." Rong Jinbei said coldly.

It is tacit consent.

But he doesn't like to be in contact with strange women, especially this kind of idiot who doesn't know what's good or bad. A few words will make him very angry.

What's more, letting him eat while looking at that face is undoubtedly tantamount to torture.

If it wasn't for Qin Yise's face, she, a silly elder sister, wouldn't have the chance to get close to him!

Rong Jinbei added irritably: "Let that woman take a taxi by herself, and don't dirty my place."

After speaking, he ordered the driver to drive and went to the most luxurious western restaurant.

Qin Yise smiled gratefully, feeling her cheeks were burning, it was so embarrassing!
And Qin Ziqing in the back stomped his feet angrily.

Did she stay abroad for too long, completely unable to keep up with domestic trends?
Why doesn't this man even look at her?

The servants were all watching the joke. Qin Ziqing was also the eldest lady of this villa after all, so she couldn't save face, so she had to find a motor vehicle by herself, snatched the key from the servant, and drove out indiscriminately.

Follow closely the luxury car in front, one day, she will replace Qin Yise, get in it, and become the woman next to that man!
Hmm, just wait and see.

Qin Yise looked in the rearview mirror in surprise, and found that Qin Ziqing was chasing after him on a motorcycle. He was really aggressive!

She secretly glanced worriedly at the handsome face of the man beside her, and asked uneasily, "You don't really believe what she said, do you? How could my half-sister donate her own bone marrow? She is so stingy." , Usually I don’t want to pull out a single hair!”

"It's not up to her. The main problem now is that your bone marrows don't match." Rong Jinbei replied naturally, with a condescending expression on his face, as if no one could disobey his orders.


Qin Yise remained silent. She was still thinking about this issue in her heart, but she didn't know how to react to what he said.

"Don't think about it, leave all your worries to me!" The man stared deeply at her with dark eyes, and pinched her thin face.

Her chin is pointed, and her eyes are getting bigger.

Qin Yise turned her face away, avoiding his ambiguous touch, and asked softly, "Did I annoy you, you can't finish worrying about it every day?"

"It's not just the heart that can't be finished?" Rong Jinbei said half-jokingly with a pun.

Qin Yise's face was a little unnatural, reddened, and she clasped her hands together helplessly.

After a while, Rong Jinbei explained again seemingly unintentionally: "Even if you are a trouble, to me, it is also a sweet burden. Now, are you satisfied?!"

"It turns out that when Mr. Rong is glib, you really know how to make women happy."

"In this case, I only told you!"

"Ghosts believe."

"Then tell me, what good does it do for me to lie to you? If you didn't have something wrong with your body, you would have run away with another man long ago. Last time, that senior seduced you all day long. Maybe you just want to be nice to him if your heart moves." Now, I still have to work hard to catch you back!"

(End of this chapter)

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