Chapter 373
Rong Jinbei snorted coldly, thinking of this, he felt a little jealous for no reason.

Qin Yise's forehead twitched.
It seems possible.

If she is like before, she will be alive and well without getting sick.

She will definitely not see eye to eye with Rong Jinbei, let alone be so obedient and obedient as a qualified pet!

She suddenly felt that something was wrong, and asked instead, "Rong Jinbei, you haven't answered me yet, why do you still treat me so well even though you know I'm a trouble?"

It seemed that there was nothing in her that was worth his time and energy wasting.

Rong Jinbei seemed to have heard a very stupid question, so he gave her a hard look, and reprimanded with a little disgust: "I am a philanthropist, and I like the heart of a bodhisattva, and do great things. What's your opinion?"

The foundations he established have helped thousands of people.

There are countless people who have been helped by him. If he is good, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

In terms of business competition, he is merciless to his enemies, and his moves are fatal.

Such a person, it is easy for everyone to love and hate!

Qin Yise opened her eyes wide and asked in confusion, "Then why are you so special to me alone? In the beginning, I actually hated you approaching me with evil intentions and persecuting me step by step."

The man stared at her with dark eyes, and after a while he said, "How does it feel to hate me and have to submit to me at the same time?"

"Pervert, you'll know what it's like when you get abused by me someday!"

Qin Yise frowned slightly, and snorted angrily, but Rong Jinbei took advantage of the situation to hug her body.

His broad chest and heart beat steadily and powerfully, inexplicably reassuring.

"Aren't my heart and liver being trampled by you every day? How else do you want to torture me?"

The man's voice is deep and sexy.

Qin Yise slowly closed her eyes, did not speak any more, and quietly enjoyed this moment of peace.

Give her a hundred guts, she wouldn't dare to abuse President Rongda!
In any case, he is his own savior.

This man is indeed a safe haven worth entrusting for a lifetime, but it's a pity that her journey is too short, and she will lose the beauty she has at this time before she learns to cherish it!

In the western restaurant, the environment is elegant.

When Qin Ziqing came here panting, the waiters at the door all looked like celebrities, handsome and young!
Her eyes were so overwhelmed that she was in a nympho, and her saliva was dripping all over the floor.

The high-end consumer places are really different, the men who come in and out are so eye-catching!
It would be great if she could have an affair casually and marry a tall, rich and handsome...

As Qin Ziqing walked inside, thinking, his eyes searched for the target. There are so many handsome men, their temperament and appearance are only a little worse than Rong Jinbei's, but their status should not be too bad.

This place is absolutely the perfect holy place to find Prince Charming!
Much better than bars and nightclubs!

Qin Yise and Rong Jinbei did not enter the private room, but chose the private seat by the window, with a wide view and good lighting, so they would not look dull.

Rong Jinbei gracefully opened the chair and let Qin Yise sit first, then helped her take off the shawl and handed it to the waiter next to her.

His movements are natural and smooth, as if he has already practiced gentleness and infinite pampering.

Qin Yise is also used to his domineering pet, anyway, no matter what this man does, she just needs to cooperate obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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