you are the love of my life

Chapter 378 Start Transplanting

Chapter 378 Start Transplanting

It wasn't until the anger subsided that she slowly calmed down, and secretly swore in her heart that one day, she would trample that bastard Qin Yise under her feet.

After finally returning to China, Qin's father was in prison again, no one restrained her, no matter what she said, she would not leave easily.

It's just that she didn't guess which one would come first, tomorrow or the nightmare-
In the study room, Rong Jinbei ended the video conference with a sullen face, his deep eyes gradually narrowed into a sharp slit.

After Qin Ziqing fell asleep, a group of doctors in white coats entered her room, drew several tubes of blood, and retreated out like ghosts.

The whole process was quiet and weird, without waking up the woman on the bed at all.

A few hours later, the test results were as Jin Bei expected, and the bone marrow test matched!
Holding the test sheet in his hand, his handsome face was full of surprise and joy.

Qin Ziqing, who was still asleep, was dragged onto a stretcher in a daze, and rushed to the hospital overnight.

When she woke up, she found herself outside the operating room and thought she was dreaming.

Apart from the doctors in white coats, there was only Rong Jinbei, who was covered in shackles, standing in front of the hospital bed, his eyes were so indifferent that there was no warmth.

"What are you going to do?"

She sat up in fright, looked at the cold instruments and syringes, and subconsciously wanted to run away, but was immediately pressed back by the man in the white coat, who was injected with a tranquilizer, and her limbs suddenly became weak, and she could no longer run away. I have strength.

"Now is the time for you to make use of your own value. After the matter is completed, I will give you a generous reward!"

With a slight smile on his face, Rong Jinbei said in an elegant and gentlemanly manner.

"I don't agree, you are not qualified to extract my bone marrow, no matter how much money it is, I am not willing to donate it to that woman Qin Yise." Qin Ziqing yelled sadly!

Rong Jinbei bent down, pinched her chin firmly with his big palm, and said word by word: "It's up to you to decide whether to donate or not."

"Illegally stealing human organs, Mr. Rong, you are breaking the law!" Qin Ziqing shouted excitedly.

The man let go of her leisurely, folded his arms around his chest, and looked condescendingly at the woman on the stretcher bed, "Then you can sue me!"

Qin Ziqing had absolutely nothing to do with his brazen behavior.

She was so angry that her teeth were itching, but she could only let those people do various tests on her body, and then took away her bone marrow.
After Qin Yise finished the examination, she was also pushed into the operating room, and Rong Jinbei stood outside waiting.

"Begin the operation—"

Dr. Meier raised his hands and told the doctors and nurses to get ready. In the sterile room, everyone came out with only their eyes exposed.

The lights outside the operating room were turned on, entering the most tense part.

Besides Rong Jinbei, there were also nanny, driver, and many servants outside.

Ling Tuo took a step forward, and said cautiously: "Don't worry, young master, the operation will go smoothly. Meier is the most authoritative expert in this area. Go to the lounge for a while. There are still many things waiting for you to deal with in the company. You can't fall!"

"No need, I'll just wait here." Rong Jinbei looked at the three large characters in the operation expressionlessly, without blinking his eyes.

Even if he goes to sleep, he won't sleep soundly.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the sky turned from night to day.

For eight full hours, the operation was not over yet.

Ling Tuo rubbed his sore eyes, stood up, and said respectfully to Rong Jinbei: "Master, I'll go out and buy you something to eat."

(End of this chapter)

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