you are the love of my life

Chapter 379 Is it okay to agree with your body?

Chapter 379 Is it okay to agree with your body?
Rong Jinbei didn't respond, and remained motionless, staring at the three eye-catching characters "in operation".

After a long wait, the operation was finally over, and the dazzling lights were instantly extinguished.

He immediately stood up like a god possessed, and greeted him.

Wearing an oxygen mask, Qin Yise was pushed out with a pale face, her brows and eyes were tightly closed, and she was so quiet that she hardly breathed.

"How is she?"

As soon as Dr. Meier walked out of the operating room, he couldn't wait to ask.

After more than eight hours of continuous high-intensity surgery, the blond man's eye circles were red and bloodshot.

Meier took off his mask, breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled wearily: "I'm out of danger for the time being, but I just need to rest, don't worry too much."

"Thank you."

Hearing this, Dr. Meyer leaned against the white wall and said with a cynical smile, "It's rare to hear these two words from the mouth of Mr. Calmly. It's almost rarer than gold, but don't be too happy too early. If you catch a cold in the future, It is still very troublesome to cause the spread of the virus!"

"I see."

Rong Jinbei nodded calmly.

VIP ward.

Qin Yise woke up before Qin Ziqing. She felt tingling all over and felt very uncomfortable.

But he couldn't move around, he could only move his eyes around.

Her hand subconsciously touched the slightly wounded wound with the knife, but was held tightly by something, unable to move.

Lowering his eyelashes, what he saw was a head leaning against the bed. Under the thick black hair, his facial features were stern and delicate.

There were mixed feelings in her heart for a moment, and she just stared at Rong Jinbei's sleeping face in a daze.

Even though the operation was successful, she once again escaped from the gate of hell and survived, but she felt even more disappointed!

The first time, it was Rong Jinbei's mother's blood that saved her life.

This time, he was the one who snatched away Qin Ziqing's bone marrow by force, and then took back his own life!

He also personally stayed by his bedside until she woke up.

Qin Yise turned her fingers slightly, stroking the bridge of the man's nose, but her wrist was held leisurely by a big hand.

Rong Jinbei was woken up by her, held her hand and put it on his lips and kissed lightly, and asked with a slightly hoarse voice, "Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Qin Yise shook her head, and said in a weak voice, "You've been here to take care of me?"

Rong Jinbei didn't answer, but changed the subject, "Are you hungry? You haven't eaten for a day. The most important thing now is to have a good rest."

Qin Yise hummed, her throat was indeed very dry.

The man poured water, held a spoon, and fed her tenderly and considerately.

She thought that fortunately he didn't use his mouth to feed, so it was much less awkward, but when she saw that she was the only one in the spacious ward, she couldn't help but grabbed his sleeve and asked, "Where is my eldest sister? How is she?"

"She's fine, and her condition is better than yours, but she has a lot of tubes inserted in her body. She is in a general ward. I won't treat her badly after she is discharged from the hospital. Don't worry."

Hearing this, Qin Yise was relieved a lot.

Having her bone marrow taken out by force, Qin Ziqing must hate her to death!
After drinking several spoonfuls of sugar water bit by bit, my dry and uncomfortable lips finally got better.

"Thank you, Rong Jinbei, for doing so much for me, I can never repay you in this life."

The man's face softened slightly, and he smiled with his lips curled up: "I don't mind, you use the most old-fashioned way to make a promise, if you want to add a time limit, I hope it will be a lifetime, how about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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