you are the love of my life

Chapter 385 Unpredictable

Chapter 385 Unpredictable
"To be honest, I don't think she's beautiful, but she's the attractive type. Rong Shao's taste may be more special. I'm tired of seeing women with heavy makeup, and I want to try the cabbage with vermicelli in clear soup!" Xiao Feifei answered truthfully.

When Qiao Man heard this, she turned around. The thick makeup made her facial features look more three-dimensional, and her chest was a British style with a deep V and a diamond-studded hollow.

The crown on her head is so dazzling that people can't take their eyes off, but what she said makes people feel shuddering: "I can't wait to tear up that woman Qin Yise, seeing her comfortably enjoying Jin Bei's favor, I feel bad all over!"

"Don't worry, she will soon become a slut among tens of millions of people, and everyone will scold her, making her unable to turn over and face others in her life." Xiao Feifei comforted from the side.

Qiao Man twitched the corners of her mouth, looked at her expensive wedding dress ironically, and sighed regretfully: "It's just a pity that grandpa's wedding with such a grand arrangement will disappoint him!"

"It's just a ceremony. You don't like Young Master Gu. If you screw it up, you screw it up. As long as you can achieve your goal and make yourself happy, isn't it better?"

Xiao Feifei looked at her meaningfully, and the two women met eyes, reaching a consensus of some kind of interest cooperation.

Why didn't she have a crush on that man for three or four years, but she didn't even have a chance to get close to him!

Qiao Man chose her as a bridesmaid, which Xiao Feifei never dreamed of!
Now that she has this opportunity to deal with Qin Yise together, she is very excited.

Xiao Feifei once dreamed of wanting to have the opportunity to stand beside Rong Jinbei, so she worked hard to study, and she was about to graduate, she hoped that he could see herself!

Looking at the madness in Qiao Man's eyes, Xiao Feifei was a little dazed, mistakenly thinking that Qin Yise's obstacle had been swept away, Qiao Man married again and was completely out of the game, and she was the final winner!

Thinking that she was so close to her wish and that happiness was within reach, Xiao Feifei wanted to cry out excitedly, but in the end she restrained herself forcefully, smiled absentmindedly, and said perfunctorily:

"Sister Qiao Man, I'll go out to check the situation first. You rest here. You will have to deal with a lot of guests later, and you will be exhausted."

"Okay, let's go!"


As soon as the door was pushed open, Xiao Feifei's figure walked outside the door, and met Gu Xiaosheng's distorted handsome face.

She was in a good mood, with a smile on her face that didn't fade away. Seeing how happy she was, Gu Xiaosheng knew that these two women might be up to something.

Suddenly there was a fierce look in his eyes, like a lurking leopard, he rushed towards Xiao Feifei rudely and eagerly.

Xiao Feifei was shocked and frightened, she didn't want to repeat Qiao Man's mistake and become the puppet of this disgusting man!
She tried her best to push him away!

Gu Xiaosheng's lower body was injured, and the doctor said that he might never recover. This has always been a thorn in his heart.

For him now, torturing women is the greatest pleasure, and only by seeing them in pain can he find satisfaction.

Referred to as psychopathy.

He has reached the point of no cure, but he is rich and powerful, so no one dares to do anything to him.

If you want to marry a wife, you can still marry the high-ranking daughter of the Qiao family. No matter how pure and arrogant a woman is, you still have to be chained by his side for the rest of your life.

Live an unhappy married life and be a widow for the rest of her life.

(End of this chapter)

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