Chapter 386 Exogenous Branches
Because of Gu Xiaosheng's physical injury, the doctor said that he may never recover. This has always been a thorn in his heart.

For him now, torturing women is the greatest pleasure, and only by seeing them in pain can he find satisfaction.

This mental illness is called psychopathy for short.

He has reached the point of no cure, but he is rich and powerful, so no one dares to do anything to him.

If you want to marry a wife, you can still marry the high-ranking daughter of the Qiao family. No matter how pure and arrogant a woman is, you still have to be chained by his side for the rest of your life.

Live an unhappy married life and be a widow for the rest of her life.

Gu Xiaosheng drank some wine today, he was very satisfied with the wedding, envious eyes were everywhere, he seemed to have regained his original self-confidence.

So he was too complacent, it seemed that he didn't expect this woman to push him away, and his face immediately shone coldly——

"Smelly woman, shame on your face!" He roared in a vicious voice.

Xiao Feifei's face was pale, she bit her lip and stared at him with her stubborn eyes: "Young Master Gu, the wedding is about to begin. Could it be part of your wedding to bully the bridesmaids?"

She had a look of accusation all over her face.

Gu Xiaosheng rubbed his chin, smiled mischievously, looked at her flustered expression playfully, and immediately said: "Miss Xiao, what happened? You are the most pure and innocent in my heart. I heard that you are the campus belle of C University , follow me, to protect your prosperity and wealth, and enjoy it endlessly!"

Xiao Feifei clenched her fists, gritted her teeth and looked at his wretched expression, resisting the urge to vomit and said: "Miss Qiao is not bad, you are lucky to marry her, I wish you a long life, never break up, you will be happy Show mercy and let me go, okay?"

The wedding scene is extremely luxurious and lively.

Even though the weather was hot, the guests outside the venue were still enthusiastic and unaffected in the slightest.

The guests who received the invitations entered the venue one by one, waiting for the auspicious time, and the master of ceremonies announced the beginning of the wedding.

Mr. Qiao stood at the end of the red carpet holding Qiao Man's hand, but it was strange that the groom hadn't appeared until now
Qiao Man blinked her big watery eyes, standing there innocently, as weak as a small white flower, so pitiful and pitiful!

Qin Yise and Rong Jinbei came together, and the man beside her was noble and elegant, no matter where she went, she was the focus of everyone's attention.

He didn't wear a formal suit today, but a simple office attire, a white shirt and black trousers, even two buttons were undone at the neckline, and his tie was also untied, and he stuffed it in his breast pocket casually.

Unrestrained but without losing his identity, the corner of his mouth curled up. No matter how you look at it, this wedding banquet looks like a grand banquet!
There are so many pairs of malicious eyes around him, staring at his woman, whether they have ulterior motives, or just sit and wait and watch the good show, I don't know.

The moment Qiao Man saw Rong Jinbei, she clenched her hands tightly, clenched her fists, and touched the bright necklace around her neck. This was what Elizabeth wore at the palace banquet, and it was photographed by Qiao Nansheng with a lot of money. A wedding present for her.

Unfortunately, none of this was what she wanted.

Marrying a man you don't love is more torture than death.

Why is God so unfair? Qin Yise has no status or background, yet she easily got the best and all Jin Bei's love, but she wants to marry a scoundrel!
(End of this chapter)

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