you are the love of my life

Chapter 391 The Most Unexpected Result

Chapter 391 The Most Unexpected Result

The atmosphere was extremely embarrassing, the man didn't speak for a moment, and the embarrassment in the air remained stalemate.

The master of ceremonies bit the bullet and came out to smooth things over and said, "The bride is just joking with everyone. She wants to be jealous of our groom's officer so that he will be more considerate and take care of his wife in the future. Don't take it seriously!"

The people around burst into laughter when they heard this.

"Hehe, the bride is so humorous!"

"Yeah, it turned out that it was an oolong to do it for a long time. I thought she really confessed to President Rong and wanted to stage a wedding elopement!"

"Don't talk nonsense, Mr. Rong is already famous now. He agreed, but his girlfriend didn't agree either."

"You don't understand this, there is no corner that can't be dug, only a weak hoe"

Laughing sounds from all directions, like countless slaps, slapped old man Qiao on the face.

He suppressed his anger and embarrassment, forced a smile, Zhou Xuan said: "Manman, stop making trouble, it's not good to delay the auspicious time."

"Grandpa, I'm serious. Can't you see that Brother Jin Bei came to the wedding because of me?" She asked unwillingly.

Rong Jinbei curled his lips with a half-smile, and replied indifferently: "It's true that I didn't come here because of you, but because of Grandpa Qiao's face, so it's better not to make such jokes, my girlfriend is still there Well, are you doing this because you want me to go back at night and not be able to get into bed?"

Hearing the last sentence, Qiao Man's expectant eyes instantly turned gray, and she couldn't hold on any longer. She only felt a throbbing pain in her heart, and she was so uncomfortable that she was about to pass out immediately.

Gu Xiaosheng stretched out his hand to support her, leaned into her ear and gritted his teeth, saying, "Bitch, you will really embarrass me."

Qiao Man let him vent like a walking dead.

The guests present were even more delusional when they heard Rong Jinbei's words that they couldn't sleep, and all made fun of him!
Gu Xiaosheng felt that it was boring, why not wait until the wedding is over, go back to the room, and then slowly deal with this ignorant woman.

He forcefully forced a smile, and explained to the guests: "I'm sorry, everyone, Manman is so happy today, she was dazzled by happiness, and a little delirious, don't bother with her!"

Rong Jinbei spoke first, breaking the deadlock, and said in a rare good-tempered manner: "It's okay, women have premarital phobias, it's understandable."

"Thank you Rong Shao."

The master of ceremonies was at the side and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Gu, the bride is like this, what should I do now?"

Gu Xiaosheng gritted his teeth, glared at Qiao Man in his arms angrily, and said through gritted teeth, "Continue with the wedding!"

In the following form, only Gu Xiaosheng accompanied the smiling face all the way, and Qiao Man looked at Rong Jinbei sitting in the VIP seat like a walking corpse.

As expected of an experienced wedding master of ceremonies, even if such a big mistake happened, she still held the wedding ceremony with a smile on her face.

"Thank you very much, all the guests, for taking your precious time out of your busy schedule to attend the wedding of Mr. Gu and Ms. Mo.

Next, let us take our sincere blessings and enjoy together a beautiful memoir of the bride and groom growing up!
Let's take a look at how time makes the two reunite, intertwining notes of happiness, and playing this wonderful journey of love.High energy ahead, please cover your little heart if you are single! "

After the master of ceremonies finished speaking, slides were projected on the background wall behind, with special effects and pleasant music.

(End of this chapter)

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