you are the love of my life

Chapter 392 Misunderstanding

Chapter 392 Misunderstanding

In the high-definition picture, the photos range from the princess photos of Qiao Man when he was a child, to the verdant age of teenagers, each of which has a story accumulated in different years, which is exquisite and warm.

The wedding did take a lot of thought, but the couple had their own secrets!


Qin Yise was holding the wine glass in her hand, her mouth was a little dry, she was about to take a sip, but before her cherry lips touched the rim of the glass, someone snatched it away: "You are just recovering from a serious illness, and you have just had an operation. What kind of wine do people drink!"

Rong Jinbei's displeased voice faintly rang in her ears.

Qin Yise rolled her lips and smiled, thinking that he cared about her, and was not angry, but obediently changed to a glass of juice and drank it carelessly.

"Is that all right?"

"There are pigments, it is better to drink less, drink plain water when you are thirsty!"

"That's tasteless." Qin Yisen pouted and said with a frown.

"I can give you whatever flavor you want. Sour, sweet, or pungent?" A certain man asked with a pun.

"I hate it!" Qin Yise turned around.

"Women say they hate it, but they like it."

Rong Jinbei raised his eyebrows and smiled ambiguously.

Qin Yise ignored her, and in order to alleviate the unnaturalness, she focused on the big screen.

After those photos were finished, the camera changed, and suddenly it became the presidential suite of the hotel.

All the guests were stunned, and after a few seconds of astonishment, they all looked at the naked man and woman entangled in the video.

The man turned his back to the screen and could only see half of his profile, but the scene was very eye-catching.

The lively hand-to-hand combat, up and down, is comparable to an A-level movie.

"Hey, isn't that the bridesmaid? This man's back is so familiar, no matter how you look at it, he looks like the groom!"

"My God, they actually had an affair secretly."

"There are rumors that Young Master Gu is inhumane. It seems to be unfounded. This is obviously worse than stealing fish."

In the resplendent and resplendent corridor, Xiao Feifei was pushed against the wall by a man, her hair was disheveled, and her dress fell to her waist, but the man was well-dressed.

No matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't escape the man's palm, she could only be like a little white mouse and let her play with her.

Some of the guests kept vehemently condemning: "It's too much to do such a thing at a wedding."

"Miss Qiao is really blind. She was scavenged by her bridesmaid. This woman is too shameless. Which family's daughter is she?"

"The Xiao family's."

A cold smile appeared on Gu Xiaosheng's face, Qiao Man wanted to release an intimate video of Qin Yise having an affair with a man, so that Rong Jinbei would lose face.

So, he started first, took care of the bridesmaids, then transferred the monitoring, and secretly changed the CD.

Hadn't he been hurt enough by this damn woman?

To provoke Rong Jinbei at such a time, I simply don't want to live!

Qiao Man was stunned for a few seconds, then came back to her senses, her face became extremely embarrassing, and she shouted: "What's going on!? Who put these photos on it? Turn it off quickly! Turn it off!"

She is so knowledgeable, not only does not care about it, but also maintains the reputation of the bridesmaid, which further arouses everyone's reaction to this matter.

"Miss Qiao, you are the victim, don't shut it down, let everyone see the true colors of this dog and man! They all did this kind of thing behind your back at the wedding, it is shameless!"

"That's right, this kind of people invaded pig cages in ancient times, now let everyone see their shameless true colors, and don't be fooled by these two people in the future!!"

"Yes, it is strongly recommended to expose their affairs, so that everyone in the city can see what kind of scumbag this scumbag is."

The scolding came one after another, all shouting for Qiao Man.

(End of this chapter)

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