you are the love of my life

Chapter 393 3 Women 1 Play

Chapter 393 Three women in one play
But she doesn't need it!

On the contrary, it was Xiao Feifei who instantly became the target of public criticism and was pushed to the forefront.

With a pale face, she stepped back, trying to escape, but the way of retreat was blocked and she couldn't get out at all.

Her embarrassed figure and the white dress on her body were a complete joke in everyone's eyes.

These people who are watching the show can drown her if they spit casually.

Fortunately, the reporter didn't let them in, and they were all waiting outside the door for the people who attended the wedding to go out and break the news.

Her eyes were red, she held her skirt tightly with her hands, and said courageously, "Everyone, the person in the video is indeed me, but I was forced. I believe everyone is discerning and can see it."

"Hehe..." The crowd kept laughing, and someone said something: "This kind of thing can't be slapped, you are not clean, and you blame the client for rape you? This logic is really funny!"

It was obvious that someone secretly helped Qin Yise out of the siege and poured dirty water on her body. This is a scapegoat, so what else is there to say?
Xiao Feifei took a deep breath, trembling all over.

Qiao Man walked slowly to her side, putting her hands on her shoulders intimately: "Everyone, calm down first, I believe this is just a misunderstanding."

She smiled gently, like two people before and after, and the innocent appearance when she was coquettish and self-willed just now, pestering Rong Shao to confess her love, it is simply a world of difference.

Qiao Man immediately winked at the master of ceremonies, and stared at her sharply: "If you haven't taken down the video, how many jokes do you want people to see?"


The video was turned off, and immediately, Qiao Man leaned into Xiao Feifei's ear with a smile on her face, and said in a low voice, "Don't be impulsive, that scumbag Gu Xiaosheng didn't do anything to you, right? Our goal is Qin Yise , don’t mess yourself up, the good show is yet to come!”

Xiao Feifei gritted her teeth, "It's all like this, we have already lost in a mess before we made a move, even if Gu Xiaosheng didn't really defile me, how can I raise my head to meet people in the future?"

"Forbearance is calm for a while. If you retreat and admit defeat so easily, you will only settle this matter. Don't worry, I will handle it."

Qiao Man said confidently, the only chance now is to divert everyone's attention and reveal something more sensational and attractive, which is enough to whet everyone's appetite.

She glanced at all the people present, then hooked her lips, and said casually: "Everyone, don't be impatient, I believe that my husband and Feifei are innocent, after all, they can't do anything in just a few minutes , but since someone has ulterior motives, shouldn’t I give something back?”

Mr. Qiao held back his anger, and a good wedding was made like this, and so many things happened!
His sinister eyes looked at his granddaughter, who had never been so strange before.

Is this still the good girl he watched growing up?It just made his jaw drop!

He swallowed his anger bit by bit, and finally exchanged glances with Qiao Nansheng, who motioned him to wait and see.

Qiao Man folded her arms and smiled at everyone, and continued to speak in a sensible manner: "Guests, the master of ceremonies accidentally took the wrong CD, and there is a surprise later, waiting to be dedicated to everyone to watch, the excitement is not to be missed!"

Qin Yise's breath was stagnant, and she had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, the protagonist in the video was replaced by her, and some photos were made into a small video.

She looks domineering at school, looks like a bad girl in nightclubs, and looks like she is arguing with Rong Jinbei on the street, and she looks like she doesn't get along well with her colleagues when she works in Rong's.
(End of this chapter)

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