you are the love of my life

Chapter 394 Bad for her

Chapter 394 Bad for her
In the end, the picture was fixed at the hotel, the ** photo of her and He Shaofeng having a room together, sleeping together.

In just a few minutes of video, it almost explained how bad a woman she is in her private life!
Qin Yise subconsciously turned her head to see the reaction of the man beside her.

Rong Jinbei was a head taller than her, and the corners of his mouth were raised, watching the scenes with a half-smile, not angry, but interested.

At the end, the man withdrew his gaze, and exchanged a glance with her, that gaze was full of deep meaning.
Qin Yise couldn't figure out whether he minded or didn't mind?
His ambiguous attitude made her even more uneasy, and she didn't know how to explain it!
When Qin Yise was debating whether to stand up and clarify, Qin Ziqing was one step ahead of her and said first:

"These photos, I can testify, are all real!"

"who are you?"

"I am the older sister of the client. If you want to say that the person who knows Qin Yise's private life best is me, we are half-brothers. Every day, the servant tells me about her deeds. Of all the people present, only me is the closest." Clear!"

Qin Ziqing said arrogantly, looking at Qin Yise provocatively.

How could she let go of every opportunity to get revenge on Qin Yise?
She raised her chin high, and stared at the woman below with her toe high, with a contemptuous smile on the corner of her mouth, as if she was waiting to see Qin Yise's fate of being abandoned!
Today's interesting gossip is really more explosive than the other.

My own sister actually publicly denounced her own sister's private life, which is extremely corrupt——

Rong Shao wore a cuckold, discarded pearls, and chose fish eyes, which was simply the hottest topic of the year.

Sensing the strange gazes around her, Qin Yise bit her lips tightly. It was obvious that they had already shifted all their attention to her from the incident with Xiao Feifei.

They were more curious about Rong Jinbei's personal relationship issues than the bridesmaid and groom's scandals.

Qin Yise couldn't bear it anymore, and was about to stand up, but Rong Jinbei gently grabbed the back of her hand, gave her a comforting look, and then glanced at everyone calmly:
"If you want to see my woman's jokes, you all be careful. There is no free bargain in the world. Do anything, use your brain first, and think about the consequences, otherwise you will have to pay a heavy price!"

Qiao Man's resentful eyes glared at Qin Yise with jealousy and hatred, then slowly shifted to Rong Jinbei's face, and said with a contemptuous and mocking smile:

"Brother Jin Bei, I really didn't expect that you would still protect her at this time. This woman is undisciplined and hangs out with other men before she is married. You are still not satisfied, your appetite is too great, even her own sister can't stand it anymore, so she ran out to testify against her, don't be fooled by her again!"

Qiao Man and Qin Ziqing sang together, and the vivid description made the matter even more authentic.

Qin Yise's reputation was not very good in the past, but Rong Jinbei's limelight was too dazzling, which covered up her flaws.

Now, she has completely become an unruly woman in the eyes of everyone!

Qiao Man looked down at Qin Yise condescendingly, and the distance between the two was less than three meters.

Qin Yise had to tilt her neck slightly to be on eye level with her.

Qiao Man curled her lips slightly, and said with a sneer, "Qin Yise, you cheated on Brother Jin Bei, and you were caught and raped by him on the bed. I really want to know, why do you still have the face to keep pestering him?"

(End of this chapter)

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