you are the love of my life

Chapter 420 He Smells of a Woman's Perfume

Chapter 420 He Smells of a Woman's Perfume
But what about her?
He didn't care about those women who coveted him at all, and even helped outsiders climb into his bed in order to get rid of him.


Rong Jinbei pursed his lips tightly, his jaw collapsed into a straight line, if this is what she wanted, he will do what she wants!
"Let the word out, those who want to continue to cooperate with Rong's should throw away all Gu's stocks, otherwise they will be in bad luck!"

He coldly took out his mobile phone from his suit pocket, dialed a number, left a word with a blank expression on his face, then hung up, and strode forward.

This time, President Rong Da was really angry. He clenched his fists and stood in the evening wind, trembling all over.

Opening the car door and sitting in the driver's seat, he slapped the steering wheel angrily. He has never been so annoyed like tonight in his life!

He even wanted to go back immediately and pick up that heartless woman and beat her up, but damn it, he couldn't bear it.

In addition to full of anger, more loss.

That feeling expands in circles in my heart, as long as I think that Qin Yise really...has never loved him before, my internal organs will feel terribly uncomfortable!
But he didn't dare to question, afraid of hearing the answer he didn't want.

Rong Jinbei lay helplessly on the steering wheel, his blurred eyes looked into the distance without focus, as if he was admiring the scenery, or looking at a distant place through the scenery.
Qin Yise was taken back to the villa by her servants last night. She had no dreams all night and slept until dawn before waking up.

After she was discharged from the hospital, she had never slept so deeply.

The morning sun outside the window spilled in through the curtains, and the mottled sunlight reflected on the floor like broken gold.

Isn't she in the hotel?
How did you wake up in your own bed?
Qin Yise looked at the surrounding environment blankly, thinking that after drinking a glass of milk last night, she lost consciousness.

And Rong Jinbei got drunk and stayed there, what happened to him?Will you lose your temper?

Qin Yise subconsciously lifted the quilt and got out of bed immediately.

I went to the bathroom to wash my face, and found that I was still wearing the bathrobe from last night, my heart skipped a beat, a bad premonition hit me, like biting cold wind blowing in, it hurts!

After hastily washing her hair, she hurried downstairs without even combing her hair.

At the same time, there was the sound of the engine of a car driving in just outside the door.

The Qin family's servants all look up to Rong Jinbei, because he pays his salary, so of course he is their number one boss!

Qin Yise walked out and asked anxiously, "Is Rong Shao back?"

"Miss, Young Master Rong just came back, but he sat motionless in the car, and we didn't dare to go up and disturb him. Could it be that he's sick? Look at his unwell face!"

Qin Yise bit her lower lip, and turned her head slightly, "I see, you go first."


Qin Yise moved slowly, looking at the blurry figure in the car window, her heart beat faster and faster.

What happened to him last night that made him feel bad?

Could it be that a woman seduced him and climbed into his bed?Finally succeeded?
The more Qin Yise thought about it, the more uneasy she became. She clearly knew how serious this man's cleanliness was.

After she approached, she tapped on the car window lightly, but the man inside still didn't respond!

The white nightgown on Qin Yise's body was a bit dazzling in the sun, her long hair was hanging over her shoulders, her small face was not made up of any makeup, and she still had an alluring look.

"Are you okay?" Qin Yise asked worriedly.

Rong Jinbei finally had the slightest reaction, turned his head, lowered the car window, and smiled coldly: "Do you wish me well, or not?"

The pungent smell of smoke and alcohol filled the nostrils in the car, and Qin Yise coughed violently due to choking.

(End of this chapter)

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