you are the love of my life

Chapter 421 The distance between heart and heart

Chapter 421 The distance between heart and heart
Rong Jinbei finally had the slightest reaction, turned his head, lowered the car window, and smiled coldly: "Do you wish me well, or not?"

The pungent smell of smoke and alcohol filled the nostrils in the car, and Qin Yise coughed violently due to choking.

She frowned uncomfortably, she couldn't tell what it was like, there was a deep grievance stuck there, it was very uncomfortable.

Qin Yise looked at the tired look on his brows, and didn't dare to make an assertion to ask him. Why would she touch his nipples if she said too many mistakes!
"Looking at you, it seems that you already know it. Are you having fun secretly and laughing at me as a fool?" Rong Jinbei glared at her displeased.

Qin Yise frowned: "I didn't."

"No need to explain!"

The man pushed open the car door and got down, looked at her sharply, and said in an unhappy tone, "I don't have the leisure to listen to your nonsense!"

Qin Yise froze for a moment, bit her lip and said nothing.

She hadn't done anything, but he somehow vented his anger on her.

Taking a deep breath, after a long time, she forced back the sourness in her eyes, and pretended to be relaxed and said: "If you hate me so much, you can say it out, don't make such a face to me, I will disappear immediately, and then It doesn't hinder your eyes either!"

"Want to leave? How can there be such a cheap thing!" Rong Jinbei growled in a stern voice.

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, what exactly do you want, Mr. Rong?"

Qin Yise took a big step back, Rong Jinbei reached out to pull her, but she pushed her away mercilessly.

"Since you don't want to listen to my explanation, I don't bother to waste my tongue!" She retorted in his tone.

Rong Jinbei was attacked by her hedgehog-like claws, and his reason collapsed instantly. He clasped her shoulders with his fingers, and said cruelly: "Teasing me and luring me into the bait, while pretending to be innocent here, is it fun? Qin Yise, you are really the most hypocritical woman I have ever seen!"

"What am I pretending?" She was at a loss.

"It's fine if you don't like me, but there's no need to force me to another woman. Very good, you succeeded!"

When Qin Yise heard this, her eyes widened in disbelief. What does it mean that she succeeded?

Qiao Nansheng likes Gu Xiyuan so much, how could he let them have trouble?

There must be a misunderstanding!

The more I thought about it, the more something went wrong, and Qin Yise couldn't tell what it was like, it was really uncomfortable.

YouQi listened to the accusations he received, why did she mind so much in her heart!

Qin Yise, wake up.

There is no one-to-one love in the world,
"Hehe, since Mr. Rong has already guessed it, then I don't need to hide it. Now that you have a new love, you won't be attached to me anymore. I can finally get rid of your cage. I'm not too happy yet."

Qin Yi spoke duplicity, with a heartless smile on her face.

Sure enough, Rong Jinbei was completely irritated by her, and he grabbed her neck with his big hand, and the strength of his fingers became stronger and stronger, and the sound of bones breaking could almost be heard.

"is it?"

He asked through gritted teeth, approaching her face a little bit.

Qin Yise's small face turned into a sauce-purple color, she breathed in less and exhaled more, and she might die at almost age.

The man looked down at her with a condescending expression of shame and anger, but said the most heartless words in his mouth.
"Very good, Qin Yise, you always have a way to irritate me and challenge my bottom line, then I don't mind letting you have a taste, life is worse than death!"

 Please collect, please recommend tickets~~~ It's been a long time without bubbling. . . .


(End of this chapter)

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