Chapter 428

Rong Jinbei pinched her chin, didn't care if it would hurt her, and directly parted her lips roughly.
Qin Yise retched a few times in pain, she couldn't get rid of the nausea and discomfort, her stomach was overwhelmed, but she was forced to swallow all the nausea.

Rong Jinbei touched her tears with his fingertips, and his heart was tightly squeezed together, the pain was so painful that he couldn't breathe.

He didn't do anything to her, why was she crying!
Rong Jinbei said in her ear without any pity, "I only need you to have a child now, so don't think too much, and don't misunderstand that I still have an old love for you!"

He said through gritted teeth.

She cried and shook her head, she didn't want her child to be used as a tool as soon as it was born.

Unfortunately, he turned a blind eye.

The man is not hard-hearted, but he is afraid of seeing her despairing eyes, she doesn't even have the strength to vomit now.

Anyone who sees her like this will probably be shocked. The woman who used to be beautiful and energetic is now completely out of shape.

No matter what Rong Jinbei said, Qin Yise didn't respond.

He looked directly at her lifeless eyes, and curled his lips coldly: "Your current value is nothing but being able to bear children!"

One, nothing, yes, place.

Qin Yise twisted her head mechanically, and all those weak tears flowed into her heart. She didn't want to be underestimated or looked down upon by this man, so she had to show her backbone!
Her strength and forbearance were imprinted on Rong Jinbei's heart like a branding iron. Almost the whole heart was corroded, and he couldn't breathe for a while due to the pain.

However, what he should do and what he shouldn't do, he has already put into action, and there is no room for redemption at this moment!
There was a slight sarcastic smile on her face, and he snorted with a sneer and said with a smile: "I was too arrogant before, thinking that I tied you by my side, thinking that you would fall in love with me sooner or later, but now I don't want you anymore , for the sake of making me so attached to you, just treat it as my favor for you, and in exchange, write it off."

"A write-off? I hope Mr. Rong can do a write-off!"

Qin Yise, who had been taciturn all this time, finally reacted, she curled her lips in self-deprecating manner, and looked at him with a smile at the corner of her mouth.

Rong Jinbei deliberately ignored the sadness in her eyes, and nodded gracefully: "Of course, although I lost a little, at least you don't have to worry about me trapping you for the rest of your life. When you give birth to a child, I will give you a sum of money. Go wherever you want, with whomever you want, live how you want!"

After he finished speaking, he straightened up lightly, left the room coldly, and left the room.

Qin Yise lay there with a pale face, her expression was not the slightest bit happy, on the contrary she was full of melancholy.

Oh, what an irony!

She actually wanted to use this method to exchange for her freedom.

Wouldn't it be absurd to ask her to exchange a child for freedom and the happiness of the rest of her life?
But the temptation is too great, she can't refuse at all!
Baby, forgive mommy's selfishness, and trade you for the freedom to leave your daddy.

Although Mommy really wants to take you along, but your father doesn't allow it, and Mommy can't beat him.

I hope that you will not hate Mommy in the future, but will remember Mommy and miss Mommy.

No matter when and where, you are Mommy's little heart.

Qin Yise held back her tears and forced a smile on her face. Just as she made up her mind and was ready to leave, Gu Xiyuan couldn't wait to start artificial insemination.

(End of this chapter)

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