you are the love of my life

Chapter 429 So What If I Use You

Chapter 429 So What If I Use You

Wouldn't it be absurd to ask her to exchange a child for freedom and the happiness of the rest of her life?
But the temptation was too great, she couldn't refuse it at all!

Qin Yise gritted her teeth and had just made up her mind when Gu Xiyuan couldn't wait to start artificial insemination.

If she had known that this would be the result, she would not have chosen not to take the medicine, and let this accident that shouldn't exist come quietly.

The artificial insemination was going smoothly. Qiao Nansheng came to Gu Xiyuan's apartment. She opened the door and saw him with a happy face. She forgot about the previous promise!
"Nan Sheng, where have you been these few days? Young Master Rong didn't trouble you, did I? I'm worried about you, and I can't get through the phone again."

Gu Xiyuan asked enthusiastically while pulling him in.

Qiao Nansheng withdrew his hand, and said coldly: "Your thoughts are all on Jin Bei now, and it's because of him that you stayed. It shouldn't matter if you see me or not."

Gu Xiyuan was stunned for a moment, he had never been so indifferent to her before, did Rong Jinbei tell him something?
She raised her eyebrows in surprise: "What's wrong with you? Is there something uncomfortable?"

"I should ask you this sentence, what are you planning!"

Qiao Nansheng's question made Gu Xiyuan's heart skip a beat, and she looked at him vigilantly: "What can I think, your words are really strange."

"Don't play dumb with me. What you fancy, you always get it by all means, including this time, you are using me. Do you really think I can't see it?"

Gu Xiyuan's eyes dodged, "You don't have to worry about my affairs."

"If you are an irrelevant person to me, I will never care, but now, I am also bound to win you, I don't care!"

"Qiao Nansheng, who do you think you are, a mere mayor, who wants to climb up to a big chaebol like our Gu family to save your career? It's a dream, my father will not allow me to marry you!"

Gu Xiyuan made no secret of her sarcasm, the Qiao family was slowly declining, and it was a foregone conclusion that Mr. Qiao would retire from the military area.

As for Qiao Nansheng in politics, Qiao Man is an idiot. They are in the financial circle and can only rely on the Rong family.

It's a pity that the relationship was all strained because of Qin Yise, and now they are just a breeze in their sleeves, strong on the outside and capable on the inside.

"Is this how you look at me? Even if I give you my heart, you'd rather throw it on the ground than take another look." Qiao Nansheng asked.

Gu Xiyuan shook her head and tried to deny it: "Nan Sheng, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean anything else, I was just talking nonsense just now, you are the most important friend in my mind, so don't even Do you look at me like this?"

"How do I see you? I misread you from the beginning!"

Qiao Nansheng laughed at himself, "Except when you are lonely and helpless, you regard me as the only friend who can tell the truth, do you still think about me at other times?"

Gu Xiyuan remained silent.

To her, he was really just a trash can to confide in.

"Xiyuan, how long do you want me to wait? My patience is limited, don't let me become more and more disappointed in you, as long as you nod, I can give up everything now, leave with you, and return to the United States to continue your studies .”

Before Qiao Nansheng finished speaking, Gu Xiyuan interrupted indifferently: "I'm sorry, Nan Sheng, even if you let me down again and again while waiting, I will not leave with you. I am only a little away from success. Yes, I will never give up."

(End of this chapter)

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