you are the love of my life

Chapter 430 Double Happiness

Chapter 430 Double Happiness
"Rong Shao belongs to me in the first place. Everyone says we are talented and beautiful. Why should I hand over my true son to others?"

Before, she was the one who didn't know how good this man was. Now that she found out, of course she couldn't let go!
Qiao Nansheng looked at her sadly, "How long are you going to be obsessed with it?"

"This is not obsession, but a sudden awakening to love. It's fine if you don't help me, but please don't hinder me." Gu Xiyuan's categorical attitude made Qiao Nansheng very hurt.

He should have guessed that this would be the result, but he overestimated his ability to bear it.

"You agree to my conditions, I won't let it go so easily, it's best to give me an answer with practical actions in the shortest possible time, otherwise, I will confess all this to Jin Bei."

Qiao Nansheng finished speaking indifferently, with no emotion in his voice. He was about to leave, but his eyes inadvertently caught a lot of syringes and various western medicines on the sofa.

He walked over quickly, picked up the box and looked at it, his face darkened instantly, and asked sullenly, "What is this? What do you want to inject progesterone for?"

The man's eyes were full of strangeness and disbelief. Gu Xiyuan grabbed those western medicines and syringes in a panic, and said with flickering eyes: "It's nothing, you read it wrong, I just have a cold."

"Xiyuan! How long are you going to lie to me?"

Qiao Nansheng finally couldn't bear it any longer. He clenched his fists and yelled at her angrily, "Have you always regarded me as a fool? You've been injecting ovulation-stimulating drugs and taking progesterone. What kind of tricks are you playing?"

"I said you don't have to worry about it, why do you have to break the casserole and ask the end? Don't think that I promised to try it with you, you really treat yourself as an onion, and I don't need to explain so much to you!"

Gu Xiyuan's answer was self-righteous and supercilious. Qiao Nansheng knew that he couldn't control her at all. If it wasn't for some use value, how could she talk so much nonsense to herself.

He put his hands in his pockets and nodded numbly, "Okay, from now on I will not meddle in your affairs, but as a man who really likes you, I would like to advise you, Jin Bei is not a good stubble, play tricks with him, you Take care of yourself, if you look back now, there is still time, otherwise one day, when you get stuck in the mud, you will lose everything, which is worse than Qiao Man's end."

Although no matter what she becomes, he will not dislike her, but he doesn't want to see her willing to fall into his arms one day!
Qiao Nansheng reminded her a few words lightly, instead of forcing her to fulfill her promise, she gave her a cold look, then turned and left.

Seeing his gradually receding back and disappearing outside the door, Gu Xiyuan was stunned for a few seconds, the medicine in her hand fell all over the floor, and finally she fell weakly on the sofa.

A month later.

Gu Xiyuan and Qin Yise were checking their bodies in the hospital at the same time.

Qin Yise is re-examining her condition, while Gu Xiyuan is transplanting a preformed fetus. She has failed twice, and the pain is a torture that is worse than life.

Dr. Meyer looked at the examination report with a serious expression on his face.

Rong Jinbei couldn't sit still anymore, and asked with a cold face, "What was the result? Is it good or bad?"

"Don't worry, I'll take a closer look to avoid misdiagnosis." Dr. Meyer deliberately closed the door.

In a panic, Rong Jinbei grabbed his collar, his voice trembling, "Talk to me! You can't even read a small report. I don't think there is a need for this hospital." If it is opened, it will be closed immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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