Chapter 448

There was thunder in the middle of the night, Qin Yise got up and closed the window, stretched out her slender wrist, just touched the window, but inadvertently saw a familiar car parked under the rain curtain, with high beams on, standing still.

Even if she didn't ask, she would know that it was Rong Jinbei's car, otherwise the servant would have sent him away long ago!

Qin Yise gritted her teeth, and closed the window cruelly. The curtain cut off the world of the two of them, and even the last ray of light disappeared.

Rong Jinbei saw the lights in the room on the second floor go on and off, his eyes dimmed, and he kept this posture until dawn before turning around and going to the company.

Even if she didn't want to see him, as long as he took a few glances at her direction, even if it was just the light reflected in her room, he would feel more at ease.

Rong Jinbei didn't close his eyes for almost a week. Qin Yise knew that he often stayed outside the villa, but he didn't come in even once, and she didn't go out either.

No one takes that step because they know that love will never end, and it will be hard to get back!

As much as she cared about it, he was afraid of losing it.

Because of the irregular work and rest for a long time, coupled with the overdraft of physical strength, Rong Jinbei's body soon began to call the police.

First I had a high fever, then I lost my appetite and my metabolism got worse!

In the past half a month, as soon as he finished his work, he would immediately drive to Qin Yise's downstairs.

When the servants heard that he was not in good health and refused to see a doctor, everyone became anxious.

The rain outside the window is still falling
Qin Yise was lying on the imperial concubine chair, looking at the parenting books, staring at the words with distracted eyes, but couldn't read any of them.

She knew that that man was still stubbornly guarding outside, even if the sky fell, he would not leave.

The torrential rain lasted for nearly two hours, and the tires of the car outside were almost submerged. Listening to the crackling raindrops on the window, Qin Yise closed the book in a state of dismay, and stood up——

She walked slowly to the window and opened a corner of the curtain to look out. Sure enough, Rong Jinbei's car was still parked there.

The car body was half submerged in water, but he sat motionless in the car like a sculpture, as if he didn't notice it.

Qin Yise closed her eyes, returned to the chaise longue, and forced herself to fall asleep quickly, not to think about the man outside.

She struggled fiercely with her thoughts, but no matter what, she still couldn't fall asleep. When she closed her eyes, her mind was full of Rong Jinbei's knife-like facial features.

In the end, Qin Yise was defeated by her inner demon. She staggered downstairs, took a big black umbrella from the entrance, and ran all the way into the rain.

Rong Jinbei was still running a fever, leaning on the seat with his eyes tightly closed, but he seemed to be sleeping restlessly, his handsome eyebrows were only furrowed.

Even though the air conditioner in the car was turned on very low, he still felt hot, and his forehead was covered with beads of sweat!

Suddenly, someone knocked on the car window, and a familiar voice came from the ear.

"Rong Jinbei, wake up!"

He slowly opened his eyes, and in his eyes was the woman he had been dreaming of.

Holding a big black umbrella, Qin Yise stared at him anxiously through the car window.

The glass was covered with film, so I couldn't see clearly what was going on inside, so Rong Jinbei pushed the car door open and pulled her up.

The rain was so heavy that Qin Yise's clothes were all wet, but his car was well sealed and the space inside was large enough.

"Torturing yourself like this can solve the problem?" Qin Yise asked displeasedly when the umbrella in her hand fell into the rain.

(End of this chapter)

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