Chapter 449
She asked displeasedly, looking at him coldly while twisting the water stains on her clothes.

The man didn't answer for a while, she turned her head and was about to leave, but she grabbed Rong Jinbei by the arm, "I'm torturing myself, and you feel uncomfortable? Since torturing each other like this can't solve any problems, then face it with me!"

Qin Yise turned her head, looking at his bottomless pool with wet eyes, "I'm fine now, I came here just to kindly remind Mr. Rong! Please let me go first, so that Mr. Rong can see , and you should accuse me of destroying your family harmony, what you and Gu Xiyuan think is your business, but please don't involve me, I don't want to be a victim of your family's struggle."

Qin Yise felt the scalding heat on the back of her hand, which was even stronger than magma.

She didn't want to stimulate him when he was sick.

"Then are you planning to avoid me like this for the rest of your life? Seeing me foolishly waiting for you in the rain in the room, but not approaching me, you feel happy, don't you?"

From head to toe, there was no place where he was not hot. Qin Yise was frightened by the body temperature of his body, and even wondered if he had burnt out his brain.

Seeing the undisguised hotness in Rong Jinbei's eyes, Qin Yise used all her strength to shake off his hand...

"I just haven't figured out how to face you, Rong Jinbei... Please don't force me anymore, okay, I'm really tired."

"Come to me to rest when you're tired. What should I do so that you can rely on me 100%? Instead of shrinking into a shell and being an ostrich that only escapes reality!"

The man growled, but before Qin Yise could react, he suddenly got closer.

Everything she didn't say was blocked, and Rong Jinbei's actions were fierce and domineering, making Qin Yise completely helpless.

The temperature and heat on his body made the atmosphere in the car different, and his brain gradually became uncontrollable.

Qin Yise pressed her hands against his chest, even though he was running a fever now, she was still not his match due to the huge difference in physical strength.

The other party easily controlled her, and roared recklessly, with blood gushing out, it shouldn't be too scary...

"Rong Jinbei, don't mess around... You still have a fever, you should see a doctor."

Qin Yise exclaimed, thinking of the advice that Dr. Meyer had given her, she opened her mouth in a panic, but she couldn't stop the person who acted recklessly: "Children, you must be careful in the first three months, don't move The magnitude is relatively large, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous! Have you forgotten?"

Hearing the word child, Rong Jinbei was taken aback.

"I thought you didn't want to have my child!"

Seeing the little faces of the people around him gradually turn red, with a little blush, and their hair slightly messy, the mood suddenly felt very delicate.

Rong Jinbei's body was trembling, and he took her into his arms like a treasure, for fear of losing her.

"Rong Jinbei... I just didn't think about how to position the relationship with you, but since this child is here, I won't leave her behind, please don't argue with me, you still have Gu Xiyuan , and I only have this child left..."

Qin Yise closed her eyes, forced back those cowardly tears, and tried her best to discuss with him calmly.

I don't expect him to agree, just ask him to let me go.

"Don't worry, no one can take our child away!"

Rong Jinbei had a firm promise on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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