you are the love of my life

Chapter 450 Thinking Too Much

Chapter 450 Thinking Too Much

"Go back. If you don't feel well, remember to see a doctor. It's late, and I'm going to rest."

Qin Yise didn't look into his eyes, but her heart was filled with pain because of every word he said.

Rong Jinbei let go of her, watched her quietly arrange her clothes, stretched out her hand to open the car door, and left.

"It doesn't matter if everyone misunderstands me, but you alone can't, remember?" Before she got out of the car, he grabbed her again and warned in a deep voice.

"What's the use of me remembering? Will Gu Xiyuan's child understand you because of me and become someone else's? Since you find it difficult, then choose the easiest way, or you can marry her and let me go! " she said persistently.

"I don't know if that child is mine or not. I didn't have anything to do with her at all, so put away your assumptions, and I won't deny what I have done!" Rong Jinbei said with a sullen face. Refuse indifferently.

"Don't be too greedy. Time will give you the answer. I'm afraid that if you want to renege on your debt, the Gu family will not agree."

Qin Yise said lightly, laughing at herself.

Rong Jinbei was a little annoyed, and interrupted her impatiently: "Stop talking, I don't want to hear half a word about the Gu family! Do you feel happy if you have to torture me like this?"

"Are you the only one suffering?" Qin Yise turned her face away, not looking at his gloomy facial features.

If she can do whatever she wants, that's fine.

But fate left her with no choice at all, her life has always been so helpless!

"But at least, I thought you would face it with me. Even if she conceived a child by any means, I would make it impossible for her to give birth. Therefore, there is no possibility for me before she is born. You should also stick to it Stay in the battlefield, stay with me well, win this battle beautifully, won't you..."

When hiding from him, she ran faster than a rabbit, but when fighting side by side, she was the first to retreat.

"It's a life, not a doll. You can lose it if you say it can be lost. Rong Jinbei, don't you believe in retribution?"

If he really did something to the child in Gu Xiyuan's womb, would it be retribution to the child in her womb one day in the future?

The rain was still falling, but it was a little bit smaller than before.

Rong Jinbei opened the car door and took Qin Yise out of the car.

He bent down to pick up the lonely abandoned umbrella that fell on the ground, endured the dizziness and pain, and led Qin Yise into the villa step by step.

Even though he was sick, he was still so strong that people couldn't refuse.

Qin Yise lay in his arms weakly, afraid that he would fall and make any mistakes, "You are still running a fever and your body is weak, let me down!"

She can walk by herself, which is many times safer than him holding her.

Rong Jinbei was unmoved, and took big steps, supporting her with both hands and holding an umbrella, his movements were done in one go, domineering yet gentle.

Nuo Da's umbrella made the two of them appear narrower, and Qin Yise had to wrap his neck around his neck to prevent herself from falling off at any time.

In order to save time, Rong Jinbei took her directly to the master bedroom on the first floor.

Both were soaked in the rain, and their clothes were sticky.

To avoid aggravating the cold, he directly put Qin Yise into the bathroom and put it in a bathtub filled with warm water to warm up.

It is very troublesome for a pregnant woman to get sick, so Qin Yise washed it casually, then wrapped herself in a dry towel and went out first!

She felt a dull pain in her head, wondering if it was because of the rain.

(End of this chapter)

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