you are the love of my life

Chapter 451 Serving the Patients

Chapter 451 Serving the Patients

Standing under the shower, Rong Jinbei was filled with mist, and droplets of water were constantly flowing from his muscular waistcoat.

Qin Yise stood in the room and brought him a set of clothes from the closet, which was not pajamas.

She didn't think that so many things happened between them, and there was any possibility!

Wherever Rong Jinbei has lived, there are many of his clothes, which are also for the convenience of him to change temporarily.

This man has a serious cleanliness fetish and is extremely picky about personal items!

Qin Yise sat on the head of the bed, her thoughts were very confused, she just waited quietly.

After a while, there was the sound of the door opening, and Rong Jinbei came out haggard with only a bath towel around his waist, his hair still dripping.

"Your clothes are ready, I put the cold medicine here, you will remember to take it later."

Qin Yise's voice was very urgent, as if she was trying to drive him away.

"I have no strength, you help me."

Rong Jinbei walked to her side unsteadily.

"Ah..." Caught off guard, his tall figure fell down directly.

Qin Yise didn't expect that Rong Jinbei's cold would be so severe, and the person who usually looked at him alive and well, would also fall ill like a mountain. He didn't even have the strength to stand firm, and his body temperature was scalding frighteningly hot!
"Sorry, I scared you." He put his big hands on the bed as much as possible, glanced at her belly inadvertently, and said, "Is the child okay?"

Qin Yise pushed him, and quickly retreated from his embrace, blushing and unable to say a word.

Can she say he did it on purpose?
He casually held the clothes in front of him, but the man stared at her deeply and didn't answer for a long time.

Qin Yise sighed helplessly, reluctantly helped him put on his shirt, and patiently handed the pill and water glass to his mouth: "Take the medicine!"

Rong Jinbei opened his mouth obediently, swallowed it in one gulp, and said without frowning, "What brand of cold medicine is this? It tastes good. It's the least bitter medicine I've ever taken."

"It's just a Chinese patent medicine. The effect is not as fast as that of western medicine, but the side effects are very small." Qin Yise put down the cup and said angrily, and then added: "You have a good rest, let me, a pregnant woman, take care of you to change clothes, I'm sorry Is it? It’s best not to infect me with the cold!”

In all these years, it was the first time that someone handed him a glass of boiling water, a pill, and warmed him up when he was sick with a cold, caring for him, and Rong Jinbei felt a strange warmth in his heart.

"Will you always be by my side and treat me so well?"

Rong Jinbei, who was leaning over Qin Yise's body, squinted his eyes slightly, his whole body exuded a wicked aura, like a high-ranking emperor.

Qin Yise pursed her lips and just looked at him indifferently.

She doesn't have such a big heart, and when he has another child, she still goes to live in peace with him.

But he bought this house, so she can't force him to leave!

"Rong Jinbei, let's have a good talk."

Qin Yise's voice was very soft, with a tone of discussion.

Rong Jinbei's palms were hot, and she clearly had a fever. The scorching temperature made her panic and frightened.

There are only two things she is most afraid of, one is getting sick, and the other is being hospitalized.

Because the most terrifying thing in the world is serious illness, which can take away a person's life in an instant. From the long river of life to leaving, it is often just a blink of an eye!

"What do you want to say, say it all at once."

Rong Jinbei held her arm, her cold touch made him sigh involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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