you are the love of my life

Chapter 452 Repurposing

Chapter 452 Repurposing
"If Gu Xiyuan didn't have anything to do with you, how did the child get here?"

He clearly admitted that he had cheated, but emphasized that he did not touch Gu Xiyuan's body, but now that they are both pregnant at the same time, it is too coincidental!

Qin Yise couldn't figure this out. During the dinner that day, there were many doubts, which showed that both Qiao Nansheng and Gu Xiyuan had planned it in advance.

They just happen to fall into someone else's trap.

The so-called obsessed with the authorities, the direction of entanglement is wrong, and naturally loses the ability to judge, and has not been able to find the problem.

Rong Jinbei would not easily touch other women, she firmly believed in this.

Even on the first night back then, he didn't take advantage of himself or take advantage of others.
"Anyway, I didn't touch her, but I drank too much, and she tried desperately to seduce, even a man would not be able to resist the temptation. I just said that I touched her mouth, and there was absolutely no stain~ Pointing to other places, I swear! "

"What does touching her mouth mean? Kissing?" Qin Yise didn't quite understand what he meant, and looked at him suspiciously.

Rong Jinbei answered her directly with two words: "Kou~kou!"


Hearing this answer, Qin Yise was flustered.

"The rain has stopped, you should go back, I'll ask the housekeeper to ask the driver to take you." She suddenly didn't want to discuss this topic.

"I'm sleepy and want to hug you to sleep."

These days, without her in his arms, he almost spent insomnia.

Qin Yise took a deep breath, stared at him with puffed cheeks, desperately telling herself to calm down and not to be as sensible as a person with a fever.

He was so stupid, how could he be so stupid?
"I'm pregnant and my immunity is very low. Since you have caught a cold, don't get too close to me, otherwise it will be bad for the baby if you get infected!"

Qin Yise refused coldly, Rong Jinbei didn't force himself anymore, and left the room with his body supported.

But he didn't leave, but went to the next room to sleep for one night.

The next day, in the morning, when Qin Yise woke up, it was already past eight o'clock.

Because of the invasion of dangerous species in the house, she didn't sleep well all night, worried that the bedroom would be broken into, or something unexpected happened.

But it turns out that her worry was unnecessary. This night, Rong Jinbei was exceptionally quiet...

If he hadn't caught a cold and had a fever and got caught in the rain, Qin Yise would never have allowed him to step into her own world.

The world is as black as crows, men are all fickle and ungrateful, they like the new and dislike the old, eight out of ten will betray their marriage!
Qin Yise got out of bed with the panda eyes on her face, washed up briefly, changed into her home clothes, and walked out of the bedroom.

"Miss, breakfast is ready."

The butler bowed respectfully and said with a smile on his face.

"Where is Rong Jinbei from?"

Qin Yise looked around, but she didn't see such a familiar figure. She thought he had left, but she didn't expect that what the butler said surprised her:
"Rong Shao just finished running in the morning, and bought a love breakfast for the miss, and he will take a shower in the bathroom now!"

The housekeeper glanced at Qin Yise ambiguously, and motioned her to go to the restaurant.

Qin Yise's face was blank, the trick of bribing little girls, Rong Jinbei would also do such a boring and childish thing?

On the rectangular dining table, there is a very ordinary Chinese breakfast, but the aroma is very attractive.

Xiaolongbao stuffed with red bean paste, sweet potato cakes, Yonghe Dawang's soy milk fritters, these things are the tastes that Qin Yise often ate when he was in college.

It's been a long time since I tasted breakfast outside.

"Is his cold better? Did you ask the doctor to come and see..."

(End of this chapter)

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