you are the love of my life

Chapter 464 The old man with bad intentions

Chapter 464 The old man with bad intentions
What's the use of being aggressive in front of her?
Would you be satisfied if you wanted to force her to death and see her commit suicide?
There was no powder makeup on Qin Yise's clean face. Under the yellowish light, her smooth skin looked even more alluring.

Even Rong Zhanting was amazed at his age, and couldn't help but linger for a few more seconds!

But apart from her face that can only seduce men, Rong Zhanting can't like Qin Yise's whole body.

Especially her background, so humble that she couldn't even touch the threshold of a wealthy family.

"Qin Yise, you are not my Rong family's daughter-in-law yet, and it's not your turn to dictate our housework, so don't make random comments if you don't understand!"

Rong Zhanting frowned and scolded coldly.

Qin Yise's heart has long been numb, being belittled by these people is worthless, and a strong sense of inferiority arises in her heart.

Don't blame birth, don't blame the past, only blame yourself, live a good life in such a mess.

She raised her head and wanted to laugh, but her eyes were sore and uncomfortable, so she could only hold on to the quilt tightly and take a deep breath to calm her emotions.

"I don't care about being the daughter-in-law of your family. I'm just discussing the facts. If you indiscriminately wrong people, even if you are rich and respected by thousands of people, so what? The quality is not eaten by dogs!"


The old man Rong was so angry that he almost had a cerebral hemorrhage.

He has been employed in the mall all his life, when would anyone dare to speak to him like this?

The aura of the superior person has formed a habit of being self-centered over time, so he is used to being obeyed by the people around him. Suddenly a little girl dares to jump out and scold him. This is really unacceptable to Rong Zhanting.

There was a trace of cruelty in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curved into a smile that was not a smile, and he snorted coldly: "It doesn't matter that you are shameless, but don't lose Jin Bei's face!"

After finishing speaking, she turned to the maid beside her and said, "Aren't you in charge of her food and daily life? Since she is pregnant, how can she sleep all day? Go and order the kitchen to make more ginseng soup to nourish her body." , and play some music that is helpful for prenatal education, so as to ease the emotions of pregnant women."

The maid quickly nodded and replied, "Yes."

Qin Yise's sleep was disturbed, and she couldn't fall asleep for a while, she listened quietly without refusing.

Mr. Rong strongly insisted that she go to the living room to get some air and listen to some prenatal music.

Qin Yise sat there quietly without moving, while the servant hurriedly brought countless tonic soups to her.

"Miss Qin, should I eat lotus seed soup or have some black-bone chicken soup? The bird's nest is also freshly stewed."

Qin Yise pulled her lips, shook her head and said that she had no appetite. She didn't understand what Mr. Rong meant, and suddenly changed her face again. She was exactly the same as Rong Jinbei, uncertain!

But the butler gave her a bowl of dessert with a wink, "Miss, for the sake of the baby in your stomach, eat a little."

Qin Yise bit the bullet and took the lotus seed soup, feeling that Rong Jinbei's father had schizophrenia.

One second he can be ruthless and want to pinch you to death, but the next second he can treat you kindly to God!
Qin Yise was absent-mindedly scooping up the lotus seed soup in the porcelain jade bowl. Unexpectedly, it was just out of the pot. It was too hot and she knocked over the bowl and spoon in her palm, and most of it splashed on her body.

The old man Rong sighed, shook his head, and naturally took out the tissue, and cleaned it up for Qin Yise in a gentlemanly manner.

Qin Yise was wearing pajamas, and the neckline inevitably showed a bit of spring when she pulled it——

(End of this chapter)

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