Chapter 465
She frowned, faintly feeling that something was wrong, before Rong Zhanting's wrinkled hands touched him, she took the lead to avoid him and took a step back.

"It's okay, I can do it myself, so as not to get old Rong's hands dirty!"

Qin Yise spoke indifferently, without any emotion.

Rong Jinbei just came down from the upstairs study and saw the scene in the living room. His father and his woman behaved extremely intimately, which was very eye-catching.

The old man Rong pretended to be nonchalant and said, "It's not hot, is it? How do you people do things, do you want to disfigure a girl like Miss Qin who is as beautiful as a flower?"

"I'm sorry, sir."

The servant didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Rong's gourd, so he gritted his teeth and carried the scapegoat, not daring to take a breath.

Qin Yise stood up and wanted to go back to her room to change clothes, but Rong Zhanting chased after her and asked, "Do you want to see a doctor? You can't be careless about burns!"

"No, I'll just apply some ointment myself."

Qin Yise flatly refused.

Mr. Rong still didn't give up: "Pregnant women can't use drugs indiscriminately. Most of them contain hormones. What if it affects the fetus?"

He deliberately pretended to be belatedly aware that Rong Jinbei had already walked down the stairs, and a sarcastic tone sounded from behind:
"Dad, when did you become so interested in your son's woman? Do you want an old cow to eat tender grass? My little girl is a big hedgehog, and you are not afraid of knocking out your teeth!"

Rong Zhanting's old face twitched uncomfortably, a little stiff, "You bastard, what did you say?"

"I don't know what Dad's heart is right."

Rong Jinbei walked over domineeringly, protecting Qin Yise behind him, and isolated him safely.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he gave the order to evict the guest unceremoniously, "Get out! You are not welcome here."

In a rage, Rong Zhanting raised the crutch in his hand and slammed it hard at Rong Jinbei's back. In the quiet living room, the sound of bones breaking could almost be heard.

And the man just snorted, but he didn't need to look to imagine how painful it must have been.

"It's against the sky, how dare you tell me to go away? What is your identity to fight against me now? Huh?"

Rong Jinbei gritted his teeth, endured the sharp pain from his back, his handsome brows frowned, and he smiled calmly, "You still think my ability is an embroidered pillow, and I need to see other people's faces to act." ?”

"Okay, brat, count yourself as ruthless, I'll see how crazy you can be!"

Rong Zhanting left in a daze with his tail between his legs. The purpose of his coming here tonight was Qin Yise, but he didn't expect that she was also pregnant. This harvest was very unexpected to him.

Rong Jinbei was also full of anger, and when he saw the aggrieved face of a certain woman behind him, the anger disappeared inexplicably.

He rubbed her hair with his hands, and asked dotingly: "My dad is over 60, do you even like him?"

The servants carried the plates one after another, trying to show off their sense of humor, so as not to get angry.

Qin Yise wiped the wet stains on her body with a paper towel, rolled her eyes speechlessly, her pink lips pouted at Lao Gao, "You still say, don't look at who it's all because of!"

"I only saw you seduce my old man. I heard before that you want to marry him as a concubine?"

Rong Jinbei endured the stabbing pain in his back, a hot current flowed down, and he couldn't even breathe steadily, but he asked such unnutritious questions.

(End of this chapter)

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