you are the love of my life

Chapter 470 Lost to Reality

Chapter 470 Lost to Reality
Through the sunglasses, the man looked up at the clear blue sky. The white clouds were as soft as cotton candy, blown into different shapes by the wind and floating around.

This kind of free and unrestrained debauchery is really unattainable.

After a long flight, more than ten hours later, he finally arrived in City C.

Qiao Nansheng was surrounded by a group of bodyguards as soon as he got off the plane.

One of the men in a black suit took his suitcase and said respectfully, "Mayor Joe, please get in the car!"

"Did Shao Rong send you to pick me up? You are so polite. It seems that City C is very lively these days when I am away."

Qiao Nansheng took off his sunglasses, bent down and got into the car. On Nuo Da's display screen, those pictures were a bit dazzling, and the brightly colored light made his eyes very uncomfortable.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and the bodyguard next to him followed his words, and replied casually: "Yes, a lot of things have indeed happened in the past few days after Mayor Qiao left, especially Ms. Gu was pregnant before marriage, causing a lot of trouble, the media Every day, Gu's news is played on a loop."

When Qiao Nansheng heard this, his long and narrow phoenix eyes raised slightly, and he leaned lazily on the back seat of the car, with his elbows on his knees, and the corners of his sexy mouth slightly raised, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a long while, he heard his indifferent voice: "Such a little thing is known all over the world, as expected of Jin Bei's usual style, heh!"

"Mayor Qiao didn't know that Miss Gu's father had almost forced Rong Shao into a marriage in front of the media. Mr. Rong also tried his best to facilitate this marriage, but our young master just refused to admit the child in Miss Gu's womb. It is said that her methods are dirty, and the origin of the bastards she got is unknown, and it is already very good that she has not troubled her, and it is a dream to want to allow the throne of Young Mistress!"

"Jin Bei really said that?" Qiao Nansheng slowly opened his eyes with a gap, "Rong's family is not short of money, nor is it short of big projects, and their background and relationship are strong enough, so there is no need to marry Gu's, which is icing on the cake. I think Jin Bei It's not just as simple as wanting to give Gu Shi a bad start."

The bodyguards were only following orders and did not dare to make judgments. They drove cautiously, "Anyway, Mr. Rong is very disappointed with the young master, and announced to the public that he will be removed from the position of president at any time, but the major shareholders have not expressed their views. After all, the young master is in In the past three years, they have earned a lot of profits."

"Huh?" Qiao Nansheng tapped his knee casually with the index finger of his left hand, "Will Uncle Rong be willing to dismiss Jin Bei? He is just such a son, and the Rong family was lucky enough to snatch it back from the side line. I don't believe it. Their father and son They will turn against each other for a woman!"

Qiao Nansheng seemed to be talking to himself alone. After speaking, he took out his mobile phone and looked at it. It was still very quiet, and there were no incoming calls or text messages.

Rong Jinbei took so much effort to find him, it must be because of what happened that night that he must have committed the crime on himself!

According to the lines set by Ling Tuo, the bodyguard recounted Gu Xiyuan's recent tragedy with embellishment.

The more Qiao Nansheng listened, the more silent he became, until the car stopped at Rong Jinbei's company, he loosened his tie, bent down and stepped out of the car gracefully.

"If Jin Bei is dismissed as president, the happiest person should be Ms. Gu."

She fell in love with a man who was better than herself, but she couldn't control him, just like she had loved her silently for so many years, but she never got a response and could only wait quietly.

They are all pathetic and pitiful people!
(End of this chapter)

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