Chapter 471
in the president's office.

With his hands on his hips, Rong Jinbei looked at the scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows expressionlessly, his tall and straight figure was like a sculpture.

His most trusted friend, brother, seemed to be sincerely moved, and would not hesitate to plot against him for the sake of a woman!
"Master, Mayor Joe is here."

The voice of the bodyguard came from behind.

"Let him in."

He wanted to see what Qiao Nansheng could explain.

Rong Jinbei turned around and sat on the executive chair, the corners of his mouth curled up playfully, looking in the direction of the door.

Qiao Nansheng's travel-stained figure came into his eyes, and the cyan stubble made his originally vigorous and handsome face a little haggard.

He put the sunglasses on the table, and said straight to the point: "Jin Bei, what do you mean? In order to force me to show up, suppress Qiao's, and even threaten me with Xiyuan?"

Rong Jinbei flicked away the document in front of him, with a sarcastic and cold smile on the corner of his mouth, "Do you need me to point out the good things you did yourself? Is your head caught by the door for letting Gu Xiyuan be pregnant with my child?" To tell you the truth, it is impossible for me to marry her, the Gu family is willing to spend all their money for this daughter, and it is you, a fool, who ruined your future and made a wedding dress for her!"

Qiao Nansheng propped his hands on the table, leaned his upper body slightly forward, looked at him with raised eyebrows, and asked after a while, "You mean, you would rather offend the world than lose to Qin Yise? If even the Gu family is with you As an enemy, attacking from all sides, I am afraid that the Rong family will not last long, and it is difficult for you to explain Uncle Rong's side."

What Gu Boyan was thinking, Rong Jinbei was not interested in, nor did he want to think about it.

He has always followed his own heart, the process is not important to him from the beginning to the end, all he needs to do is look at the result.

Gu Xiyuan used all means to conceive this child, which has already touched his bottom line.

If Gu's united with Rong's shareholders to fight against Rong Jinbei, his situation would be extremely worrying.

Rong Jinbei smiled indifferently, "These old men like to play, so I'll have fun with them. As for you, which side you choose to stand on, there is still time to make the most sensible choice!"

Qiao Nansheng lowered his head, hesitation flashed in his eyes: "I will persuade Xiyuan to take the child away. If she insists on giving birth, I can treat it as my own!"

"Treat it as your own? Let me tell you, with me around for a day, this child will never come out alive." Rong Jinbei said with a cold face.

Qiao Nansheng was stunned for a moment, not saying much.

Rong Jinbei's attitude was obviously willing to give him another chance, and he didn't turn his face directly.

This made Qiao Nansheng very gratified. He cherished this brotherhood very much, but at the same time he longed for his own love——
In a high-end apartment in the city center.

Qin Ziqing squandered the money that Rong Jinbei gave her, and owed a lot of usury.

With no way out, the Qin family's villa could not go back, so she had no choice but to join Xu Kexin!

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked to the door, he was blinded by the absurd scene inside.

This apartment is Qin Zhentian's property, and there is a spare key in the safe.

Qin Ziqing opened the door, and was surprised to find that the lock cylinder hadn't been changed, but Xu Kexin's vulgar and coquettish voice could be heard almost on the entire floor.

She frowned, and the men's and women's clothes were thrown all over the ground, and the air was full of corruption.

Holding his nose and walking inside, a pair of snow-white figures on the sofa are entangled with each other——

(End of this chapter)

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